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I Offer you the opportunity to connect to Angels, Assisting you in all areas of your life. Helping you feel supported through life's many lessons.
Angel Whisperer Dawn has had the gift of seeing and hearing Angels since she was a child. At just 17 years old she trained in Reiki, Scheim, and went on to become a Emotional Freedoms Practitioner at 21 years. After the passing of her own son she quickly and naturally developed the gift of mediumship and the ability to connect to loved ones in spirit. She trained in Laughter Yoga and also developed numerous Angel workshops for both adults and children. She has done live platform work and also is an amazing spiritual teacher.
Angel Sparkles and Blessings,
My name is Dawn, some people know me as The Angel Whisperer, as I spend half my time chatting with Angels. I grew up on Angel's and having had a very challenging life, I always felt something beyond me was seeing me through. I have had countless experiences of Angels and it has helped create a deep faith of what I say will be. This allows me to be very accurate when channeling Angels such as Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabrielle, Chamuel and much more. I work closely with Ascended Masters and have a natural connection with Mother Mary. Alot of my work is deep rooted in Faith and it works. I have natural Psychic Abilities and strive to offer you a straight honest reading with the use of very little props. I can help you grow in trust and love with your own Angels. As a Spiritual Teacher one of my main purposes is to assist you in been able to connect to your own Angels, so you dont need me. Through the many techniques and affirmations I have been given along the way, I can help you have the life of success, abundance and love you so crave. Working with Archangel Michael i can help you release your fears and your limiting thinking that have created blocks in your life, weather it be in relationships, love, career, family etc, I will bring you to a space of understanding, awareness and a new focus to move forward with. With the Help of Angels we will create a Spiritual DIY Kit, to help you know there are solutions to every issue you are facing.
I also can connect with loved ones, i require no information what so ever. So please don't give me any. Occasionally I will ask if the connection is not coming easy. I don't force spirits and will not charge you until i know for sure I have a link and you can verify up to 3 pieces of info. Ensuring both you and I are confident in the connection we make. Please know it may not always be possible to connect. But i will endeavor to do my best for you.
This is just a brief introduction to what I do folks..the sky is the limit as I have many skills and will tune into you to see whats best for your right now.
Please tell me nothing apart from your first name.
Let me do the work and I promise you will be pleased.