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$1.99 per minute$For those interested in an email reading, I do charge $20.
I provide tarot, horoscope, chinese astrology, numerology, aura, pendulum and medium readings.
I have certificates in: Tarot Reading Aura Reading Pendulum Reading Horoscope Reading Chinese Astrology Numerology Reading
Merry Meet! I am Athena Druid! I am a 30 year psychic medium and tarot reader. I have the gift of clairvoyancy ( to see spirits) as well as the gifts of clairsentiency (to feel or sense spirits) and clairaudiency ( to hear spirits). I can read horoscope, Chinese astrology and numerology. I can see aura's and what color they are (aura reading's are EMAIL ONLY because you will need to provide a picture of yourself).
Being a medium, I can connect to spirits of passed on loved ones and I am able to receive messages from those spirits from the Spirit World.
As a tarot reader, I am fast, honest and accurate. My reading's are also in-depth and I always make sure that my reading's are "deep", meaning I don't gloss over. I tell what the cards say word for word. I use the Rider-Waite tarot deck as well as the Angel Tarot deck and the Celtic Oracle deck.
I am also an energy reader. This means that I can feel energy. I generally do NOT need questions for these types of reading's.
I specialize in:
I am honest and straightforward. I do not sugarcoat or "fluff" anything. I tell it like it is.
I am a very spiritual person and take what I do very seriously.
I am a professional. An honest and caring person who cares about you and your feelings. I will tell you the truth and put your mind at ease.
My motto is: "You have questions, I got clarity!"