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I am Extreme healer, can help you gain insight into your lovers feelings and why waste time find out now!! compeletly Accurate and honest.

4th Generation Psychic combined with Nine years of practicle experince. M. A. in Psychology, PG Degree Astrology

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Psychic Aubrey



Since I was a child I could sense things that people were thinking and feeling. As a 4th Generation Psychic, my teachings esteem from my grandmother who was an experienced an accurate Spiritualist & Psychic mentoring me in developing my psychic ability from the age of twelve. 

My own purpose in this life time is aided by the help of my Spirit Guides, as well as your own, to guide you towards your Heart's desire and to lighten your path. It is sometimes necessary to get an understanding of the Big Picture in order to truly appreciate what is going on, and why. You will find that Spirit speaks with sincerity and Truth and will cut straight through to the Heart of the matter and, because I labor with LOVE, you will receive a complete reading of clarity for the Soul purpose of enlightening the path and bringing Harmony into your life.

My Services Include:-

Clairsentient-clear sensing of spirits, Clair-audience-clear hearing of spirits, Clair-ambient-clear tasting in spirit messages, Clair-allience-clear smelling in spirit messages, Remote Viewing, Crystal Ball Scrying, Pendulum Dowsing, Gems, Stones, Metals, Metaphysical Counseling, Metaphysical Lectures, Astrological Projection, Feng Shui Consultations, Clairvoyant-clear visions, Empathic Spiritual Intuitive, Meditation Instruction Services, , Lucid Dreams, Dream Weaving, Dream Interpretation.


 My Empathic, Spiritual and Intuitive Readings will give you the current situation and alternate paths that you can take and or the paths that should not be taken. The choice is up to you what you do with the information that you receive. Faith and trust are the keys to unlocking the door to heaven. Heaven is in your mind.

I specialize in love and relationships as well as spiritual healing guidance, I am able to guide you through your love and relationships journey to help you find closure to your questions and shed some light into your situation. I am also able to help you to find understanding in life changes, and help guide you safely through your journey to create growth and the best changes possible for you and your love ones.

The future is not written in stone; it's more like paths drawn pensively in the sand with each path representing the different choices available to you right now. As you make choices, some paths are brushed away and completely disappear in the sand while new paths begin to take form ahead of you. When you have a reading, you receive guidance and answers based on the future that is most probable at the time the reading is done.

Sometimes learning what will happen can help you avoid it, or it can change the timing of the event. If you are struggling with something, you may want to know the most likely outcome. The outcome might be negative, but you can receive guidance that can help you change the path you're on and improve the outcome. You may require more information before you make an important decision--I can reveal the most likely outcomes of the paths before you, but only you can decide what is the best choice for you and your highest good.

My readings will go far beyond unraveling the mystery of anything going on in your life. Deeper than the psychic aspect of the phone call, lies a message from your Soul, waiting to be released. And it is this message that will heal everything else you called about.

Call Now and Discover the answers you search for and find the clarity that's been eluding you. By identifying and removing the blocks on the path, you'll find that a whole new life will open up around you - one filled with Light and Love.





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