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Cindy Psychic

Expertise In:

Alternate SciencePsychic Reading


(4.5)0 Reviews

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$2.99 per minute$$99 - Any number of question

Reliable, Honest, Accurate and caring psychic with abilities of Clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient. ~ Quick Ty-per to give readings regarding sprituality and religion.

I am having a 24 years experience .BS Psychology, Criminology ~ Private Psychic Practice, Est. 1982.

My name is Miss Cindy, i am a true psychic. "All I need is a first name". I use my psychic abilities to help people. I get messages during my readings. I highly recommend a reading for anyone having questions and needing direction. I do my own readings for myself whenever I feel the need. I might not have a celebrity client list like some may claim, I read for real everyday people with real day to day concerns. I am a no nonsense reader advisor with an extraordinary knack for tuning into the heart of your situation. All I need is the name in order to help with your love life or question. Do you have questions about how someone feels about you or where things are headed? My readings are not limited to love life; I can help with all concerns. 

I have been mentoring and teaching others, enlightening others about being psychic/clairvoyant, as I believe we all possess this gift in varying degrees. I have been psychic for almost 20 years to my knowledge. What I provide are combined psychic vision, tarot card readings. I consider myself a spiritual counselor/coach with "genuine" psychic abilities. 

I tune into your needs with great clarity. My angels/guides give me messages and visions to share with you. I like to focus on a specific person or question. I care about my clients and their situations; my gift is to help people to see the way to happiness and a fuller life. For a general reading please be prepared to spend at least 5-15 minutes. 

Tarot is used to help guide my clients or clarify or confirm visions. The connection to my guides and my deck is profound. I have 16 years experience with tarot. I have used more than one hundred different spreads from a simple yes or no to very elaborate 24 card spread which is very lengthy in interpretation. if I m not available call upon the psychic door group! Email me! 

All I ask is that you come with an open heart and mind to receive the messages that come thru me.

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