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Relationship Expert,15 years experience as an advice columnist helping others by giving advice with everyday problems and discovering solutions. Dream Interpretator.
Relationship Expert,Advice columnist,Author, Member of the International Honor Society DELTA EPSILON TAU,High honors diploma in Psychology/Social Work,High honors diploma in Child Psychology,Certificate in Dream Interpretation 101,High honors diploma in Fitness & Nutrition,Nutrition specialist,Certified Raw Chef,Certified Raw Personal Fitness Trainer,Certified Raw Lifestyle Coach,Certified Raw Nutrition Specialist,Diploma in Breaking into print, LongRidge Writers Group, Diploma in Freelance writer, Harcourt Learning Direct.Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant,Certificate of course completion "So you want to become a vegetarian?",Awarded a Certificate for Outstanding Achievement and Academic Excellence,Modeling at Lafemmina School,Real Estate course at Massasoit college,Detective course in Private Investigator, D.T.I.,Courses at Regent University for Practical Ministry, Currently at Ashworth University for Psychology
I am currently a Relationship Expert and an Advice columnist for 14 years which is published weekly in newspapers and online. I am also an Author of a Young adult Novel called, "Pam & Johnny." I currently answer questions on relationships, love, dating, weddings, break ups, parenting, family and more. I am here to answer all questions. |