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i can scan by your auric field.
B.Sc., Doctor of Naturopathy and Yoga, Reiki Grand-master, Pranic Healer, Practicing aura-reading, reiki-healing, psychic healing for 15 years I am successfully running a clinic of aura-reading, healing, and karmic release for past 15 years. I have helped people come out of the tough matters of heart / love / health / negative patterns.
A master psychic and healer with unique abilities to connect to one's aura. All my statements come from higher realm. I am here to resolve the toughest cases and help you in all aspects of your personal and professional life (e.g. matters of heart, love, relationships, health, career, finance). I have resolved a large number of such cases in my clinical practice of more than 15 years through healing. I read aura and tell the exact cause of the situation you are in, and help/guide you to come out of it through my healing. I will show you the larger picture of the situations. Some of my statements may not be easy to digest/believe, but I believe in telling the exact truth, as I see it. I have cured chronic physical, mental and emotional problems by healing and karmic-release process. A large number of cases cured so far have been medically rejected, whereas, in some cases even the root cause of the disease was not established medically. I have been able to predict forthcoming diseases with great accuracy. I have helped people get their love, improve their finance by helping them take right decision in career/business/profession. I have also helped people come out of the negative patterns. I need to talk to the client, may need his actual name and his mother's name. At times I need the photograph, birth details and details(name/address) of people involved in a particular situation.