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I am a third generation empathic clairvoyant who uses the tarot as a focus.
tarot reader, empath, clairvoyant, clairaudiant, Reiki level II,
I am empathic clairvoyant. I feel your feelings as though they were my own, and will use that, as well as the tarot, to help me guide you. I shall try to explain things the best that I am able to using my own life experiences and feelings. I believe our life experiences shape who we are. We can help shape our lives through the choices we make. My readings are an honest view of the situation. Where will they take you? Wherever you choose to go. You might actually be surprised!
I have been interested in the metaphysical since I was young. I can remember shaking every so often for no reason at all, but mostly when it was cold. I began reading the tarot at 16 and shortly thereafter purchased my first metaphysical book.
To get the most out of your session: Please take a few moments to relax before your reading. Clear your mind of any worries and stresses and be open to the guidance that will come through for you. Please focus solely on the question, or questions, you want answers to. Doing this will allow me to more easily tap into the situation and provide you with better guidance.
While I will give you the first few minutes free to establish a connection with you, please do not waste my time in requesting entirely free services, my prices are so cheap that if you cannot afford them, then you cannot afford to listen to the knowledge shared.
No health or legal questions please. I am neither a doctor nor a lawyer so I am not qualified to answer questions of that nature. If you need medical or legal help please see the appropriate professionals. Thank you.
Your feedback is appreciated but negative feedback, due to predictions not coming true, does not help anyone. Each of us has free will so the Tarot can only act as a guide and you can choose to keep things from coming true in your life.
When you contact me, please have a specific question in mind. "General readings" may not give you any useful information.
As a reminder, even with a 'gift' someone had to pay for it, even if it's a trade. We, as experts, pay a portion of our earnings to work on Destle, to help you with concerns and guidance, so therefore if we must pay, to help you, then you can pay to help keep Kasamba here. Thank you.
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