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Accurate Psychic Aura reading gain powerful insight into your all matters of life.
I am heavenly blessed by all the abilities ,all my abilities are gifted to me by god and my father ,since many years i do astrology, numerology, tarot reading,psychic read in with help of my celestial guides, i have served many organizations since many years.
Hello!!! And thank you for viewing my profile. I'd like to explain a bit about
how I work. I am an empath and use tarot, pendulum, runes and various other
forms of divinity to accurately give you the answers you seek. I give indepth,
no nonsense insight into each question, and take the time needed to connect and
focus with you PRIOR to hire. I do not take any question lightly, nor do I feel
any question is too silly. I take this very seriously, as this is your life!
~ I do not weave fantasy tales, and I deliver the messages that are most prevelant to the questions you have. I am very direct. I don't waste your time, or your money with fictious reads. Readings are a compass. They can lead you to a better path, and also help you to avoid pitfalls. But utlimately it is your choice which path you choose to take. I can only guide you to the one that is best for you. I can give you the tools to obtain your goals, but YOU have to do the work. I cannot do it for you. Being receptive to the messages is the key to a positive and empowering read with me. And I will NEVER steer you wrong!
Know that a reading should give you the answers you need, about yourself, to give you some insight as to the control you do have in a situation. I give you insight into your situation and give you the tools you need such as: What he/she is thinking, feeling and wanting. I outline the obstacles in your way. I give you the solid truth about what it is you're doing or not doing, and what shifts will be needed to make your life more propserous and abundant in love, finances, family and spiritually.
Sometimes all that is needed is a different way of doing things, responding, reacting, and shifting the energy around you. Other times letting things and/or people go, and being still and doing nothing is the key.
My goal is to assist you in getting the outcome you desire, which ultimately is happiness and joy. That is all anyone really wants.
I do not sugar coat a reading, and I only give you the truth as it comes through.
~I have worked within the fields of Psychic, Paranormal, Tarot, Pendulum, and Runes. I am a serious empathic which means I can feel anothers emotions and also get messages based on energy. I would not label myself as a Psychic and I've always disliked that word. I am Wiccan and I am a Witch. I have received empathic messages for as long as I can remember and started working in this field since the age of 17. My reads are very in depth and to the point. I will not waste your time asking questions, but I will give you answers.