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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Wondering if someone is your soul mate or not? Want to meet your soul mate? Let me guide you!

Born Gifted.

I first discovered my talent for reading purely by accident. It was about 10 years ago and I was out with friends and for fun I decided to tell everyone their fortune. As the others waited patiently I told each one of them what I see in their future. They asked me specific questions about love, career, money, health & family. The more questions they asked the more specific I was with each answer. I told one of my friends, Terri, that she would meet a gentleman that night with a mass of curly hair and a goatee. He would have a job involved in the sport industry and 2 years from now she would have 2 children with him both with lots of curls. I finished my readings and later that night we all went dancing and had a great time and at the end of the night we all went home our separate ways. Early the next morning (too early lol) I got an excited phone call from my friend Terri. She told me after we all parted ways her car would not start in the parking lot. She got out to see what was wrong and heard an unfamiliar voice behind her asking if everything was ok. She turned around and saw a man with short curly hair and a goatee. She told him she couldn’t start her car and he offered to give her a boost. Luckily for her it was the battery and the car started quickly. Terri ended up chatting with this gentleman for quite awhile. She found out he had just had his first major job offer since school and he was about to start a new position in sports therapy. They decided to risk her dead battery dying again and went for a coffee. That’s when she accidentally saw his ID picture. He opened his wallet to pay for the coffee and his drivers license showed a picture of a man with a big mass of curls. When she questioned this he laughed and told her he had his haircut that day but it will probably grow back in a week. And that’s when she knew she met her future. Today they have 2 kids, twins, boy and girl, both with their father’s big mass of curly hair. I was so inspired to dive deeper into my newly acquired talent. I found out so much about myself. I read books and talked to others who felt they had “the gift” and realize that I wasn’t alone. After that first reading I have honed my skills, which has allowed me to spiritually counsel some of my closest friends. Through this I found out that I am very good at interpreting dreams. I plan to develop and grow more as a psychic and use my skill to help others when needed most. I am good listener and I love to make people feel good. I am honest, caring, trustworthy, strong, funny, intuitive and passionate about sharing my talents with others. My friends come to me when they need help and I love it. I love being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and showing them where they are heading. I noticed recently that I can see colours. I am able to interpret their auras. This is new and fascinates me. I can’t wait to see what is in store for me next! One thing is for sure….I was meant to help others.

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