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Psychic Alex

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$2.00 per minute$$10.00 Mancala Board Spread Email Reading I offer a Mancala Board spread via email(at least 4,000 characters)!! Covers 6 areas of your life: Career, Love, Social, Self, Health, and Spiritual.

I help you understanding the true motives and intentions of your or others' yearnings. I am only concerned with the ultimate truth and nothing less...

2011-2012 Psychic-Medium/Adviser Oranum, Budapest, Hungary 2005-2007 Psychic-Medium/Adviser/Church Member, The Spiritualist Church, St. Petersburg, Florida

I began giving readings since I was fresh out of high school for my friends. I used to think I was really good at guessing stuff, I just called it the' guessing game.' However, I began to notice with more and more practice that I was honing in on things I shouldn't have known. I was able to also pick up on dates, names, or places in detail. I also began at this time connecting and channeling with the dead.

I have become better able to handle self-control, humility, and my abilities and I can especially help those who feel lost of hopeless. I can help with whatever is pressing you, I have over 12 years experience with hundreds of satisfied clients and reviews. I specialize in love mostly but I am also experienced in health, career, relationships, karma, and the soul's inherent nature. I can help you find yourself again. I am here to help spread fundamental truths of your existence by helping you to accept what is and all the joy and power you already hold. I started with no tools, however, I've found them to be very accurate at validating divine order. Almost all of my clients love the angel cards.

I also offer a mancala board reading. This tool I came up with myself. The concept of the game was created ages ago, however, I converted this board into a divination tool utilizing the colors as energy imprints depending on how they were shuffled together. It has provided for stunning accuracy each and every time. There are six houses in this reading and each house corresponds to a certain area of your life. The six respected houses are as follows: Career (Green), Health (Yellow), Love (Red), Social (White), Self-Knowledge (Blue), Spirituality (Violet). Within each house I am able to view past, present, and future validations, predictions, and visions. I take my work very seriously so I am always trying to keep myself both spiritually and physically clean.

Thank you for reading my page and I look forward to hearing from you soon for a private consultation. (I provide a prayer before and after each session along with lit candle for protection)... Namaste(the light of God that is within me bows down to light of God within you)

 Psychic Alex

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