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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Psychic Jenny

Expertise In:

Love and RelationshipsPsychic Reading


(4.6)0 Reviews

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All of your question have their ans. want to find out then give me call. I have helped many persons and I am ready to help you!

M.A Psychology

Psychic Jenny "The Divine Eye"

I am clairvoyant, that means being able to see things without tools of any kind, just psychic ability. I also am a master of tarot, numerology, and astrology. Dreams are a specialty of mine also I am empathetic, which means I feel things and situations. I am very accurate and specific to your situation. I read for relationships, love, marriage, infidelity, finance, court cases, anxiety, panic attacks, and eating disorders and so on.

I have been tested thoroughly for my gifts. My guide is god I do not have any other guides. I believe he will lead you to truth. I am truthful and will tell you the truth. I give my all to my readings and to my clients!!!


I pride myself on being detailed, not vague. I am also very in tune with relationships and where they are going, and what is to be. I do not believe in curses and spells or being paid to take them off, I think it is ridiculous and you will never hear from me that you need to have a spell removed all you need is your belief in god and yourself.

I have these gifts since childhood and have used them for the last 20 years professionally. I do not do this in my spare time this is my profession. I have worked for a major television network and in professional settings on the web. My clients also include musicians, other psychics, actors, authors, producers, physicians’, government, lawyers, judges, psychologists and everyone in between.


When ask your questions – you can tell me the area of your concern; be it career, job, work, love, relationship or events that you want to look into. If you have any other specific person in question that you need to look into, you can provide their name's and let me know which side of the situation you want me to focus on. Unless you have a quick question or comparisons you need to be read straight-out, the reading will begin by giving you the insight into the situation (past/present) so you can verify before continue future readings.

I specialize in psychic readings, tarot card readings, crystal readings, aura readings & cleansing, negative energy cleansing, charka balancing, meditation, dream analysis, career forecast, pet readings, spells, but I do find myself enjoying helping others with matters of the heart, Love & relationship readings, soul mate connections, breaking up & divorce, cheating & affairs, and much more.


My readings are confidential, anything that is said to me, stays with me.

I love updates so please feel free to email me at anytime!

Email Readings are always available.

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