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Psychic Tressa

Expertise In:

Psychic Reading


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$1.99 per minute$no email readings.

Ordained minister for over 20 years. If you want to talk to someone that truly cares you've come to the right place. Over 25 years of relationship and spiritual counseling.

Doctorate in Divinity and Ordained Minister

Greetings! My name is Tressa and you are most welcome at my page...


My gift ability is from god, i specialize in seeing the past, present, and future. So, no matter how big or small your situation is I will and can help. I was born with the blessings of my gifts, having inherited them from a long line of sensitive. Intrinsic in my heritage is both natural and learned sensitivity to spiritual and physical energies.


Clairvoyance - spiritual sight

Clairaudience - spiritual hearing

Clairsentience - spiritual smelling

Direct spiritual knowing


I have been involved in providing public readings and life coaching since 1996. I'm a love specialist who understands the difficulties many people experience regarding love, health, and careers. Often these inquiries go unanswered, but i can help. Don’t struggle anymore. Release your negativity and stress by gaining the insight you need.


In my work with you, I will connect with guidance from what I call "spirit". "spirit" may manifest simply, yet powerfully, as direct transference of knowledge in my work with you, or may include guidance from loved ones on the other side. Spirit guides, angels, or other types of guidance appropriate to your situation may be involved as well.


Have you been wondering if he/she loves you?

If he/she is the one?

Who is your soul mate?

Will you get a raise or new job?


I have your answers no questions go unanswered when you call me. I am 99% accurate with timeframes and dates. You will only need to give me your name & dob. I will let you know the truth always 100% honest.


Just relax, take a deep breath, and call me. Be prepared when calling to give your first name and the area you would like me to look into. Please remember, the more specific your question, the more specific your answer will be. I will in turn start with your answers first, then follow up with any additional messages from your guides or loved ones.  You may expect honesty and integrity in my work with you. All else is folly. Only light completely obliterates the darkness, and I have use for nothing else.


If you do not want to know the truth, keep looking. Sometimes what I see may not be positive. I will not lie to you if there is trouble in your future. I am honest and ethical. I call it as it's shown to me. If you are looking for the "happily ever after lie" I am not the reader for you. It is your right to know the truth!


The goal of my work is to mentor ultimate remembrance of inherit connectedness with unlimited joy & life abundance!


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