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Fortune TellingCheating And AffairsLove And RomancePsíquicos Expertos
$2.99 per minute$Negotiable.
Romance/Love Readings! Only names/initials needed + little to no other details. How does he/she feel about you? Is he/she unfaithful?! Accurate, Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Claircognizance Tarot Reader. Predictions! Past, Present + Future!!
Member of American Tarot Association (ATA) 21 Divisiones Dominicana – Dominican Santeria. Strong belief & faith in God, the Virgin Mary, Jesus + Saints. I recently discovered my Metresa which is Maitresse Freda & I’m from the Agua Dulce Division (La Division India)
I have been divining for more than 10 years now, and my goal is to deliver the most accurate answer to your question(s) as I can. I accurately pick up your past + present with little to no details from you in order to best divine future accurate predictions
Before you decide to get a reading from me, please be aware that I am very honest. I try not to sugar coat what I see in your reading, however I will try my best to deliver the message as gentle as possible. Please do not take offense because it’s not my intention to do so.
I use my intuitive abilities to help you as best as I can.
Virgo Sun conjunct Mercury+Cancer Moon in Critical Degrees+Aquarius Rising
I’m a firm believer in KARMA!! Please be honest with your ratings—especially if I connect with your situation. It’s really unfair and dishonest of the client to give me a weak rating because they didn’t like the news I gave to them
REMEMBER = Nobody is perfect. We aren’t God, so there is NO WAY that we as Intuitives can be 100% correct ALL THE TIME. Keep this in mind. Readings in general take a lot of energy + dedication. I like to provide many details + many times I like to confirm past events to make sure that we are on the correct path towards future predictions panning out. I mainly use Tarot as my #1 go-to tool for readings.
I have been assisting many people online with their concerns and issues for a couple of years including my own personal website. Been using Tarot & other divination tools for more than 10.
Very honest & straightforward! Please, do not leave negative feedback because you do not like the answer/prediction given.
MaitressFreda MaterDolorosa BelieBelcan AnaisaPye SaintGabriel SaintHelene(Empress) SaintElias SaintMartha SaintExpeditus SaintClaire NinoDivino Metresili SaintSantiago LaSirena (YEMAYA) BabaYaga
..are some of the saints/spirits I work with to bring you as much clarity as I can =)
If you’re used to sugary/sweet readings that seem positive and just filled with lots of good hopes, then my readings are NOT for you. I believe in equality and deliver both bad & good that I see. There is evil as well as good in real life at all times. Not everything will be positive, so if you’re not ready to hear it all, please do not call me. Thanks.