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Does he or she love's you? Want to know your true "love". Allow me to guide you towards your true love and show you the right path in "Relationship".

Master of the craft. Medicine wheel both Native American and Celtic medicine wheel work for personal balance and center with animal spiritual totem. With the authority to assign ones totems. Does he or she love's you? Want to know your true "love". Allow me to guide you towards your true love and show you the right path in "Relationship".

 I was born a Psychic. I am the fifth generation to my grandmother. I have helped a lot of people. I believe god placed me here so that the angels can pass messages to you. Ever since I can remember the angels have been talking to me and guiding me. So I want to use my gift to help you. Do you have questions about your love life or Family problems? I am here to understand and help you. You are important to me, and I can't wait to speak to you. When your heart is heavy and you have no where to go believe in the Heavens and I will let you not.

I have helped many with their problems, through my Psychic Ability. Please, do not confuse me with other readers you have spoken with in the past. I will help you no matter how big or small the problem is. One call will change your life. I am honest & accurate. Don’t go through life worried and confused, Let me guide you through the right roads to take. I will help you in Soul mates

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· Past Present And Future There are many reasons to call me now. My readings will amaze you







Welcome to Jodie's home, AvalonMare! Jodie is considered a "natural" psychic because her abilities were evident as early as three years of age. She is a professional reader of twenty three years using her gifts of Clairsentience (clear-feeling), Clairaudience (clear-hearing), and Claircognizance (clear-knowing). Jodie also channels three high level Spirit Guides whom she affectionately refers to as her "Trio". She later learned the art of reading Tarot, and combines the cards with her natural abilities to provide speed and accuracy. Her other interests include astrology, dream interpretation, and crystal energy work.



Jodie believes in the power of prayer, conscious creation and divine providence in our lives. Reta Beebe, a scientist who worked on the Voyager space mission often told her students. "When I was in college, my profession didn't exist yet!" The future is larger than our plans, our expectations and our current vision. In this spirit, do not become overly concerned with how divine providence will unfold, but instead act consciously on the guidance you will receive and know that your highest possible good is begging to be manifested in the moment of your least resistance.

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