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$1.99 per minute$An email reading is $15.00 - $40.00 depending on what is wanted, amount of quesitons etc.
What's on your mind? How can I help you?
I am a Certified Tarot Consultant, certified with the Tarot Certificaiton Board of America. I am also their Executive Director
Hi and Welcome, Do you have a question regarding something that is going on in your life? Maybe it's about a relationship, love, or career. There are so many issues in our lives, these are just the more common ones people tend to ask about. Maybe you just want a general reading. Whatever your needs I can do a Tarot reading for you. I will not sugarcoat anything. I will tell you what the cards say NOT what you want to hear I follow a very high CODE OF ETHICS. Along with the ones under the TCBA I have my own. Below is some of what you can expect in a reading with me. You will NEVER be told that spell work of any kind is needed. You will NOT be told for extra sums of money the situation can be handled. Don't ever let anyone scare you into believing spell work is needed for situations. Before looking into having spells done please do your homework. Messing around with someone's freewill ends up very dangerous. I will NOT tell you what to do in any situation, Noone should. I will provide to you all the information that I get so you can make the decision that is best for you. I am here for guidance. YOU and only YOU can make your life decisions. I do not do predictions because nothing is etched in stone. I am not qualified to give medical (mental/physical), Legal, financial advise of any kind. If this is needed you will be told to see a professional in the field.