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$2.99 per minute$I do not recommend email readings as it is best to be able to answer the questions as you become inspired to have them, but if you want a simple 15 card email reading, I charge $20 per issue.
My tarot science is based on ancient structures of Chaldean astrology, as some know the true source of tarot's wisdom to be. True tarot is the door to psychic sight, not guesses
I've been trained in the ancient methods of occult science through the Golden Dawn, OTO and other known and unknown schools. Dabblers are not welcome, this is the path of the greatest of discipline fit only for the truly masterful.
I have been working with tarot and related magickal systems well over 25 years. I've experienced the life of the magician, traveled many roads and know more than the make believers about what is real and what is not. My blood has been drawn in service to what we call the Great Work, the Work of "manifesting" as today many like to call it.
I am here to help you find your way, know the secrets of things hidden from you (often by others, sometimes just because they don't know how to reveal themselves), learn the truth about the ones you love, discover the riches that are available to you.