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Intuitive Psychic Medium...Get answers from your guides to ease your burdens and clear your lifes path
Clairaudient (hear), Clairvoyant (see), Clairsentient (feel), Clariscentrist (smell), and Claircognizant (clear knowing).
There are times in our lives where we all wonder in which direction we are meant to go. When things or events leave us feeling lost, alone and helpless. I guarantee you that none of us walk our paths alone. We all have guides with us each step of the way trying to help us grow, learn and develop on this journey of life. I have learned to listen to my guides and they have brought me great peace and knowing at times when it was desperately needed. I feel that sharing this gift from God is part of my purpose on this earth. I relay to you the messages from your guides or loved ones that have crossed over. Often times the messages they bring are those that you need to hear to ease your burdens and clear your path. I have had these gifts since childhood. I've given numerous readings regarding loved ones who have crossed with important messages to relay. I have also connected with Master Guides and other guides to help others find their way along their path.