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A business man is not capable of love

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A business man is not capable of love

When we take as a basis for determining the ability of love to sacrifice, very clearly shows the influence of business and entrepreneurial skills to the manifestation of love. A manifestation of love on the part of the entrepreneur. Business requires no sacrifice. Business requires other qualities. Business, it requires a completely different properties and abilities. And most important of them - hoarding. Quality, diametrically opposite of sacrifice. Moneymaking finance, energy, human resource reserves. Simply hoarding supplies.

Sacrifice - it's something to give. Not their habits, so his shirt. If you have two of them, give one's neighbor. A hoarding (business) is just the opposite. If you have two shirts, a neighbor yet a third take off. Nothing that will be a naked neighbor. This same business. It (business) needs. Business, he is like a little child. He should continue to grow. Absorbing the weaker around. Its competitors. Or will he swallowed stronger. These are the laws of business development. Very strange conclusion is obtained. Even frightening. A man of business has no sense of victimhood. Ability to self-sacrifice. Should not have! Must not have. At least for the period of his career.

During his career business people are not capable of love . No one. Neither woman. No man. No children. No parents. When a leader goes on break, he does all the grunt work. That is the law of personality development. And here is not to care, not to soft, not to the flowers, when for weeks, months and sometimes years, "shoveled shit" at work.

Provide semblance of attention - yes. Love - no. It is by the leader needs care, the care and moral support. And he himself is transformed into an intelligent machine. When there is a breakthrough. Business, it's "sharp teeth," "hard elbows", "keen eye", "quick mind", "fine sense of smell." Man, humanity, there is no room. To achieve the goals should be cool. But the actions have the overriding principle: "to sacrifice the emotions to achieve their goals."
Have to sacrifice relationships for the sake of acquiring capital. Sacrifice, then to take it. While in love - to sacrifice means to give. Sacrifice for a loved one. No claims to the opposite impact. Just to give. When true love loving people simply give itself. And when a business has to be built, then there will be love at all problematic. Tough love the soul can not.

This explains the absence of spiritual qualities in the "golden cage". Women seeking to marry a businessman, "successful" business person must understand that a partner in her life is complex goods and services. Instead of man. Instead of another.

Clearly, not immediately. First passion blur brains. Then the kids will not be bored. And then force of habit to accept everything as it is. And do not grumble. Sensual women need to know and understand: respectable men do not bring spiritual satisfaction. Choose either the money or the construction of a harmonious relationship. Another thing is when a woman is rude or callous soul. Or stupid. Then in the "golden cage" it would be fun to "tweet".

It should be noted that exceptions are possible anywhere and everywhere. And among the businessmen can get caught a man that not everything in his mind will be focused on hoarding, to "take." Not in the sense of the material. In the spiritual sense - something so lacking in a woman. But this is a rare occasion when they say - "a man wide soul." And if, however, that part of the soul, which in itself has the ability to "give" in certain exceptional personal qualities, will persist and grow, and then later, like the energy of compressed spring, she spill the huge waves of love and affection for the object of his love ...

But it will, if the chosen one all the qualities of "take" reserves for their work, business, and property "to give anything without asking, cares only for his beloved, for your family ... If there is a person who is able to ... Well, this case is possible. And even quite. There are such people. Look. Find. Conquer. Good luck! Happiness (female, family)! True, plan their own lives, relying on "Lady Luck" ... (No comments)

Business - it is the road to power. Money, services, goods will soon get bored. Authorities did not bother ever. And business, active nature striving for power. To the power to satisfy his ego. This is many times described. And in various interviews and in ordinary prose. But there is an interesting look at the events, indirectly confirming the inconsistency of business and love. Unusual and paradoxical conclusion of educated people who presumably understand that what they say. "Socialite" in conjunction with the editor of the magazine interviewed the famous "shark business" and at the same time a government official. That is, to what they agreed to:

Uliana Zeitlin - Who has more glade, he is sexier. Therefore, with the power, even a seemingly inconspicuous people become attractive! True, most frequently, themselves under the burden of power, they lose interest in sex. Paradox.

And it is quite clear that she understands what she says. Moreover, such a connoisseur of male psychology.
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