A child with mental retardation
Families with children with developmental disabilities in need of psychological and educational assistance from the first months of life. This fact is not as obvious as it seems. Although in many cases, the signs of trouble can be seen in the first week of life, often go months or years before a child begins remedial teaching. Meanwhile, experience has confirmed that the earlier started helping, the more results can be achieved.
Now the world is already widely distributed to different systems of care of young children: a system of early care, early intervention, early education. But not too early to speak of "tuition" for the baby? Do it the teacher? What to teach your baby? And as his train? These issues must stand in front of an expert (teacher, speech pathologists, speech therapists) who, having the experience of pedagogical work with older children, start working with kids.
Thus, teaching kids the following characteristics: goes from simple to complex, occurs at the level of involuntary and, therefore, based not on the volitional effort of the child and the interest, immersion into a full baby, a variety of "developing" life goes on at the same time many fronts - the development of motor and sensory areas, emotions, speech, communication, social skills, etc. Thus, during early childhood - the time of intensive learning without a specially organized training: "disciple" and "teacher" just live together, not noticing that they are immersed in the learning process. "
When the baby is healthy and everything is going well, parents simply put it in this developmental living environment, to give him some freedom, to sate his life a variety of contacts and experience - and the learning process will go by itself. Of course, such "infant education" is quite easily and invisibly only if the baby is healthy and developing normally. If this is a child with mental retardation , will need a special effort, special attention from the adult.
For example, to stimulate cognitive activity of the child and teach him to reach the object in the normal case it suffices to surround it with various objects and to provide freedom of choice in case of a "problem" child is not enough, and you need to create special conditions: for a child with motor difficulties - provide a comfortable body position, determine the appropriate "educational" distance to an object (not too far and not too close), choose the appropriate pace bringing toys, etc. for the partially sighted children - to use sounded toys and objects with an interesting, varied texture, for Child sluggish, apathetic - choose a toy colorful, vivid, which can truly interest him.

Parents are not always able to guess by what special conditions are necessary for the development of their baby, and doctors are often restricted to the diagnosis of these problems or the child and recommendations, which it is time to teach. But how to teach? And who will teach this mom? In such a case needs a specialist teacher who has expertise in the field of early childhood development and teaching methods wielding young children.
In Western countries, where this type of assistance began to develop much earlier than us, the situation now is different. At detection of developmental disorders in the child's family immediately connected with the association of parents with similar problems, it is sent to an interdisciplinary team of professionals to not only help the child, but also to provide psychological support to his family. It is hoped that gradually the situation will change and we have: in the course of doctors will include basic knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of the infant, when working with young children will play a major role interdisciplinary team of specialists. Its membership should include all necessary expertise: defectologist, educator, an expert on massage and physical therapy, teacher - an expert on the development of movement and art therapy, a psychologist, a neuropsychologist, a family psychologist, a neurologist and pediatrician.
Inclusion of a pediatrician in the team for working with young children due to the following. The younger the child with mental retardation , the more holistic, indivisible into separate "blocks" of the system is its body. Almost impossible to manifestations of ill judged on its causes. Problems of physical or neurological may have similar manifestations. In addition, any disease can equally affect all systems of the child.
Special diet for the "problem" children
Children with developmental disabilities early, at age 6 months, there may be somatic disorders and metabolic disorders. At this age, somatic disorder typically entails neurological disadvantage, and vice versa, so the decision of somatic problems of a child often leads to improvements in the neurological field and his status as a whole. Pediatrician with a neurologist to develop joint appointment, trying to reconcile and to minimize the use of medicines.
It is known that drug therapy is quite dangerous and causes frequent complications of the cardiovascular system, liver and entire digestive system. This explains the continued interest in the therapeutic possibilities of diets and special foods. In foreign publications reported on the use of ketogenic diets for children with convulsive syndrome and its effectiveness is confirmed by many authors. Unfortunately, to date, the literature does not describe the long-term and continuous monitoring of the health of children living on the ketogenic diet.
In Russia, the study of this diet is just beginning. Of interest is also information on the use of gluten-free diet with the syndrome of autism, but the gluten-free products are available not far from each family. For children who are no longer being fully breastfed, we have developed a proper diet, which uses products that are available to all.
Basic principles of the proposed diet:
I. Separate power supply.
Patients with children, as a rule, there is lack of enzymes. It is known that in the separate feeding food is digested more easily. Even with the sharp decrease in enzymatic activity of the separate power leads to more efficient digestion.
2.Stimulyatsiya own enzymatic activity.
Enzymatic activity stimulates natural juices, if you take them in diluted form before eating. Separate power supply on the background of stimulation of its own enzymatic activity of a child with natural natural juice leads to the disappearance of constipation, allergic skin lesions, improves appetite, promotes the normalization of the entire digestive tract. We do not recommend taking enzymes (Creon and others). All enzymes are made of animal proteins in other species. Introduction to the baby alien proteins is harmful and can cause allergies.
3.Pozdnee very careful introduction to the food of meat and meat products for all children.
Preference will be given to fish dishes, containing a large amount of phosphorus.
Give them food not as much as age-specific recommended diet for healthy children, and as long as it digests in separate mode power supplies using their own enzyme, stimulated by the diluted juices. In general, we have recommended a diet preference for natural products: porridges from whole grains (wheat, wild rice, barley), and porridges are not fast food, juice for children, we also recommend that you prepare from the fruit itself, and not ready to give. Instead of sugar is better to use honey, can be administered in food crushed nuts that go well with porridge. Meat, we do not recommend to enter up to 1 year.