A child with premature sexual development
If your child too much is known about sex, if he commits provocative gestures when trying to involve other children in games related to sex if trying to touch the genitals of another child, it is believed that this is a child with premature sexual development . The reasons for this phenomenon may be that:
• the child has learned that by doing so it may be more popular with other children;
• A child mimics the behavior of their parents or playing movies scenes;
• the child has low self-esteem, and this behavior - a way to feel like an adult, pay attention to me;
• A child was once subjected to sexual harassment.
How to prevent a problem
Children have a very natural interest in the structure of their body, so you should not rush to satisfy their curiosity: calmly consider each other in a bath, consider the illustration in the book. Since the children poured through the flow of sexually explicit advertising, tell your children that such behavior is normal for adults, but not okay for children. Be a little more interest to the child, in order to enhance self-esteem. Keep in mind, when adults do not pay enough attention to children, children begin to look for different means of attention of parents, other children, people, and may cause resentment or subjected to violence.
How to cope with the problem, if it already exists
If you notice that the children enthusiastically considering each other's genitals, but no action was observed, calmly tell them: "Do not touch the hands of the genitals. Do not, because they are very delicate and can be accidentally hurt or dirty, then they become inflamed. If you happen to see a situation where one child feel the need to others what he wants, by all means quietly intervene. Help a child who began to manipulate a child with premature sexual development to fend for themselves: "I do not want you to do it with me." Tell your child that commits such actions that you will not tolerate this. Often praise a child with premature sexual development, when he shows his skills in normal children.