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A continuous feeling of joy of life

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A continuous feeling of joy of life

Psycho aimed at a continuous feeling of joy of life , unchanging part included in the culture of Eastern peoples. Eastern psycho were necessary gymnastics of the soul, tempering it and making it strong and harmonious, as well as gyms, strengthen and develop the body of the Europeans. In Japan, the use of psycho had a special development, ranging from training the samurai rulers and ending the morning at the Japanese plants, where workers injected himself into a state of cheerful willingness to work in unison chanting slogans like: "I love my firm, for me the greatest happiness - contribute in the case of my company. "

If the show Taoist tradition psycho primarily focused on the harmonious development of personality, the harsh conditions of feudal Japan, they have become an instrument of a superior and perfect servants to the emperor and people in positions of higher authority. The first of these servants - perfectly trained killing machine - steel samurai, blindly loyal to his master. To survive, the Japanese people had to be strong and industrious. Continuous earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, wars and civil strife, violent exactions imposed on artisans and peasants, and forced the Japanese to develop a system of psycho ensuring survival in the harsh conditions of perpetual change, where no one knows what tomorrow will bring - a painful death, continued the struggle for existence, or a short break.
Ready to die at any moment, the Japanese, as no one, have learned to appreciate the joys of life. They tried to turn into a pleasant ritual is that they were forced to do - their work, their communication, their leisure time. Not knowing whether they will survive until the moment when they see the result of their labor, the Japanese learned how to get untold pleasure from the process of any activity. This is the reason the extraordinary Japanese industry, as well as a miracle of unprecedented economic rise of Japan, which is home to the world's largest number of workaholics. The Japanese government has even been forced to, caring about the health of citizens, to adopt a law that prohibits people from work more time to them.
General principles of training

Awareness of these principles at a deep level and their introduction into its world model, if they're not present in itself is an exercise that improves your ability to adapt to any purposeful activity and the difficulties encountered in daily life. I will bring these principles to their imaginative, show Taoist named because each figurative name purports to relate this principle to specific performance, call the appropriate emotions, and already using the emotional component, write it in their model of the world. Your task - not only to the extent possible to follow them, but by associating them with a bright and pleasant to you emotionally colored way to introduce them into its world model. That these principles.

The principle of constancy - over the river "

Exercises should be done let a little, but regularly, preferably every day, and exercises to return to a stable positive emotional background and the transfer of negative emotions into positive ones - in every situation, causing an inadequate stimulus negative emotional reaction.

Principle to overcome - "smashing the sword"

This principle is primarily designed to limit the destruction of programs and facilities. What do you think that you can not do anything, really does not mean that you really can not do it. Following this principle, from time to time you should make strenuous efforts to overcome obstacles and difficulties to overcome the limits of their capabilities.

The principle of gradualism - "small throat"

If there are too many sweets, they will revolt. If too much exercise, a state of overtraining and willingness to engage may disappear long time. To exercise the Technology of happiness "must be treated as food - away from the table with a feeling of light hunger, desire to engage not extinguished, that is" a little but often. "

Principle sverhusiliya - "jump on the mountain"

This principle is also connected with the lifting restriction settings, but some other way - at the expense of short-term move beyond their capabilities by limiting the concentration of forces.

Consistency - "step by step up the celestial ladder"

You should not grasp at the complex, not having mastered the simple. It is better to perform well in the most simple exercises to make sophisticated than bad. This enhances self-esteem and gives a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

The principle of the right direction - following a boom, "that is following the correct procedure

Until you gain enough experience in Taoist psycho to start experimenting, do some exercises as they are described in this book.

The principle of peace - a "true peace"

Not wanting more than you have at the moment, do not adjust themselves, not to set records.

The principle of stress - "bow tie"

In cases where the circumstances so warrant, it is necessary to exert all their strength in order to achieve the desired result.

The principle of "Lake of Happiness"

Receipt from any activity of satisfaction bordering on relish. To apply this principle need to learn exercises to create a stable positive emotional background. The process of training should deliver no less pleasure than the result.

The principle of stimulus - "escaping from a tiger"

Use activities or situations in which the only correct action ensure survival.

In milder wording, this principle means that sometimes you need to put yourself in an environment in which you will be forced to do something that can not do in other circumstances. For example, if you're too lazy to do physical exercises at home, join a group aerobics, paying a decent amount. Then, that money is not wasted, you'll go to the gym, and there too, willy-nilly will have to train.

The principle of "taking a lot, do not miss small"

Pay attention to every detail, do not forget about the little things.

The principle of "taking a small, do not lose much"

Do not lose the big picture, concentrating on the details.

The principle of 'wonder of the lake "

Not cease to surprise all around. Surprise, particularly joyful surprise - a special and wonderful condition of the child discover the world. Discovering amazing new facets of life, the child brings them into its world model. Sooner or later, after finishing the construction of the main building of his model, he ceases to notice the world is something new, exciting and interesting, and his life becomes stale and boring and monotonous.

The principle of equanimity - "water surface"

Do not be surprised to anything, even if there is something incredible.

The principle of equanimity does not mean the opposite of the principle of "Lake of surprise." Its essence is that the people trying to adapt to the sudden and drastic changes in his life, or unexpected events should remain calm, not to lose the picture of peace and a sense of self-awareness. To develop these qualities has its own set of exercises. In one of the following books in the series "Technology of Happiness", we'll talk about it.

The principle of awareness of each of his actions - "the full moon shine"

One application of this principle is inadequate tracking software for his model of the world. In simple terms, its meaning lies in the fact that, making something, and realize the true motives and the motives of their actions.
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