A gift from a fan to something requires?
Beautiful girls can easily reject nepriglyanuvshihsya suitors. Much more difficult to reject their gifts ... more valuable gift, the greater the temptation and the more difficult to abandon it. Do I need to take expensive gifts from the boyfriend, if not going to take him? Yeah, that goes without saying ... gift - a sweet lure. One thing is when you beau showers compliments and flowers. On this you can always reply: "Do not believe it! You're lying, I'm more beautiful than Jennifer Lopez, "or:" Come on, it's such a cliche! Surely all these loud phrases about love, you borrowed from Shakespeare, I do not think that you yourself previously reached, "or simply:" I hate roses I have an allergy to them ...
And if you're presented with a diamond ring? Or the keys to a brand new car? Or dress, which you have always dreamed of? Or an elegant perfume? What to say and how to react to this? Allergic to diamonds? Unconvincing! I hate cars? Just ridiculous! I do not believe that you gave unselfishly dress? As all this is ridiculous ... A gift from a fan to something requires?
However, even more difficult dilemma: to take a gift or not. It all depends on your character, self-esteem and even arrogance. If you think like a queen (in fact, think, and do not want to assume!), If we assume that desyatikaratny brilliant - quite a reasonable price for your smile and a grateful kiss on the cheek when ready shamelessly riding on a gifted foreign car without feeling thus obliged to pay sex or intercourse with the donor, then you can safely take any gift!
Girl, confident in its irresistible and sassy enough to exploit men, can afford to accept the gift of any value and do not reproach themselves, leading to be more charming and friendly with a boyfriend. Are guided by the principle: presented, therefore, has the opportunity and, therefore, I did stand. Them and would never settle with a man and if he even hint at what he deserved "a piece of sex," they laugh at the man's face.
If you do not belong to this type of girls do not get upset. In the end, we all have our notions of decency and norms of decency. In order not to feel guilty or obligated, you can do as a lady era "Gone With the Wind": that is, take only what makes the old-fashioned, but in general, that the eternal rules of propriety: "Only flowers and candy!" Well, this You can add a perfume or a book. All of these gifts at all times considered to be "decent" and the girl, who took them, did not compromise himself and was not anything due to its potential suitor.
Nor should we succumb to the other extreme: that is not to take anything from him, and under any pretext. Can you put a fool of you both. For example, you did not take the flowers. And he, in your opinion, will now do with flowers? Sweep their floors? Or peredarivat someone else? Or take back to the flower stall? Or carry with you all day? Throw away? Nonsense. Taking the flowers, you can not skomprometiruesh himself, and certainly should not be going to pay for it! That's when he handed the bouquet, at this hint, you may be happy to horsewhip bugger it flowered broom. Apparently, he appreciates you too low, if the hopes that you will give him a bouquet of roses, or paid them to dinner at a restaurant.