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A guardian angel for every day

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A guardian angel for every day
Angel - a guardian of all people, even those who does not believe. Agree to live becomes easier when you know that someone protects you from dangers and tribulations. Unfortunately, few people know that we are angels guard time of birth. Each locality and even the planet has a guardian - a protector. There is a science Angelology, which contains knowledge about the promoters of each of the days of the week.

Michael - the archangel resurrection.

Who it is.

Michael is considered the leader of light troops and the angel of the court of Jasher. He holds the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Michael is the element fire. It is believed that he accepted responsibility for the recovery of mankind from excessive materialism, it is written in "The Encyclopedia of Angels."

Than it helps.

Michael may be asked to grant courage, he prayed for forgiveness, and forgiveness. He can give strength to people able to achieve their goals. Michael gives endurance, patience, and helping people deal with arrogance. It can protect people from danger. Heal the sick blood, to keep the influence of adverse forces.

Who helps.

Michael helps people who perform what - or mission, in particular, supports the sailors, soldiers, merchants and police.

Signs of Michael.
Color: gentle - blue

Numbers: 6, 212

Metal: Gold

Stones: amber, garnet, red carnelian

 Gabriel - Archangel on Monday.

Who it is.

Gabriel won the right to stay close to God. It was he who guards the entrance to paradise. He opened the Mary that she is the mother of the Son of God, he dictated to Muhammad in a dream the words of the Koran. Gabriel manages Nordic countries. It dominates the northern winds and the water element. Gabriel is a messenger of good and brings peace to all people on earth.

Than it helps.

Gabriel helps people achieve their main goal in life, it reduces suffering from physical and mental ailments. Gabriel helps people to improve themselves and overcome obstacles, including indecision. It gives people an opportunity to find allies to fulfill their life goals and helps to easily overcome the daily hardships. Likewise, Gabriel can help acquire and preserve the harmony and femininity.

Who helps.

Gabriel particularly supportive of teachers, educators, actors and clergy.

Signs of Gabriel.

Color: White

Numbers: 9, 81; 386; 3321; 2321

Metal: Silver

Stone: Selenite

Special features: Taking human form, Gabriel appears in a white robe, surrounded by a halo of light.

Samuel - Archangel Tuesday.

Who it is.

Samuel refers to the element of fire. It helps to awaken the creative energy and wake activity. Samuel was able to help cope with the cruelty and to overcome any conflict. Legend has it that Samuel was a long cohabited with Lilith, which was the first wife of Adam. However, there is a belief that the first son of Eve as actually came from Samuel.

Than it helps.

Samuel can assist in overcoming fatigue, looking for friends and loved one. It can be done so that people will understand you. Samuel helps the successful negotiation, it suggests a good way out of the most difficult situations. He can be request to increase self-esteem or gain strength for overcoming difficulties and solving important problems. Samuel helps to overcome conflicts and to increase sexual compatibility as a pair. Likewise, it protects against lies and helps to overcome harmful addiction. It monitors the warlocks, demons and witches.

Signs of Samuel.

 Color: Red

Numbers: 5, 25, 65, 325

Metal: iron

Gemstones: Any red

Raphael - Archangel of the medium.

Who it is.

Archangel Raphael, symbolizes the harmony of the world. His element - is the air. Its territory - the West. He is responsible for knowledge, science and wind. International relations - is also the sphere of its influence. Hebrew legends say that Raphael was opened to humanity the secret herbs.

Than it helps.

Raphael helps you find your true purpose in life, as well as it gives hope and compassion. Raphael helps to feel the importance of each moment of life. Pray for his well-being in the house, an abundance of family, it helps to establish good relations with other people. Raphael helps relieve mental and physical illnesses. To him standing to make requests for healing, when all other means have been tried.

Who helps.

Protects the pilgrims and travelers in general. Supports artists and scholars. Favors health care workers.

Signs of Raphael.

Numbers: 8, 64, 260, 280

Metal: Mercury

Stones: agate, carnelian, jasper

Zadkiel - Archangel Thursday.

Who it is.

Zadkiel responsible for making the state the right and fair laws. He is responsible for national economies.

Than it helps.

Zadkiel can give a sense of security and suggest which of the initiatives you will have good luck. On help to get rid of bad memories and abandon harmful habits. It helps people to fill the heart with wisdom, and life - joyful events. Zadkiel can evoke inspiration.

Who helps.

Zadkiel charitable people to technical professions.

Signs Zadkiel.

Color: Purple

Numbers: 4, 16, 34, 136

Metal: tin

Stones: purple

Anail - Archangel on Friday.

Who it is.

Anail is the angel of peace and love. He also is responsible for the charity. Anail able to clear the people the holy fire.

Than it helps.

Anail supports in a person desire updated and improved. It helps to find a way out of the most difficult situations. Anail helps to find the most important purpose of human life. Anail helps to understand the mysteries and brings harmony to relationships between people. In the morning you can pray about it to make your day a rich love.

Who helps.

Archangel Anail supports lovers.

Signs Anaila.

Color: Green

Numbers: 7, 49, 157; 1252

Metal: Copper

Stones: malachite, jade, emerald

Kasiil - Archangel on Saturday.

Who it is.

Kasiil is a proponent of moderation. He is the protector of loneliness and helps to find peace of mind. He likes asceticism and anti chaos. He tries to restore order in all spheres, especially in scientific discoveries.

Than it helps.

By Kasiilu should contact people who want to change their lives for the better. It can help get rid of bad thoughts and pessimism.

Signs Kasiila.

Color: Black

Numbers: 3, 9, 15, 45

Metal: Lead

Stones: obsidian, black quartz.

Appeal to the angel.

To the angel heard, please contact, you must perform a ritual that will make you understand the forces of light, what are you going with them on contact.

For example, if you want to ask for help of the Archangel Gabriel, it should be put in a vase of white lily, to light a white candle, dressed all in white, wear silver jewelry, better, with stones Gabriel. Close your eyes and imagine the image of Gabriel. Then pray, canonically or by yourself and how you can specifically say his request. The more specifics will be in your wish that the faster it turns. If you did this three times, but the desire and not the beginning of run, then it is abhorrent to God's plan about your fate.
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