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A man cherishes his freedom

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A man cherishes his freedom

A woman can not grasp why the answer to all her efforts, delicious dinners, gifts, tenderness, and other men are increasingly moving away from it? After all, like everything was so good! Therefore moving away, he feels obligated, but not ready to accept it. This and a defensive reaction. Of course, this applies not to all men. Because there is such and such, who was determined to marry because it's time. There are those who want to get a family almost from the films. There is, finally, death by love - are generally unpredictable, and their behavior inexplicable. It is clear that the actions and thoughts of these men differ somewhat from those described above. But these exceptions only prove the rule. A rule is: a man cherishes his freedom .

And he cherishes it for several reasons. On the most important reason you already know - a man by nature of polygamy. That is, wants to have more than one partner, and an unlimited number of them. By the way, at the very matriarchy, about which so enthusiastically coo feminists of all stripes, men are just and lived in harmony with its nature. In tamoshnem society about monogamy and had no idea. All lived regularly with someone like we wanted and when they wanted. Patriarchy, which replaced this wonderful in all respects, a device company, great to us wings clipped. There was family and the need to keep at least the accuracy of only one a female. But still lives in us the memory of those wonderful days are when we did not ask a textbook question: "Where have you wandered through the night?"
So, a man of polygamy. Choose one woman - thus hinder communication with others. In the subconscious of this idea sits firmly. But what if it is among those remaining, and this haunting ideal? This is what, to abandon his possible happiness? Every man has a doubt that what he chose, not the best option. Somewhere there is even better. Many and spend their entire life in his search. And even a little to articulate their demands to the ideal we can not. Just feel that there are better and everything. Let us close to perfection, will still torments - and not rushed we? Maybe it was worth all the same a little wait?

But the search of the ideal, if you have a permanent partner, is incredibly difficult. And so it is not easy to find the one unique. And if you also control the time? And one step to the left is regarded as an attempt to escape? What are the chances of success? Mi-zer-Ny-e! And it's depressing.

Well, even if we abandon the search for the ideal. Then begins to oppress another idea - fun pass by. Leggy blonde and tiny brunette, busty brown-haired and red-haired with a carved figure of fun now with the other lucky in saunas and nightclubs, restaurants and bars, as long as you while away the dreary, insipid evening with his beloved. Fantastic party, daring orgy, hot orgy with readily available beauty - all this passes, until the hundredth time you hear how much she wants a family and child ... who can endure it? It's pretty funny phenomenon. The man who fed and semi-preserves, intumescing of sexual abstinence, zelenevshy of loneliness in the evenings in front of bored to death by television, he suddenly begins to regret free life, when it appears next to the candidate in a life partner.

Soon forgotten, and canned food, and abstinence. Now it seems that life is full of exciting adventures and unforgettable experiences, a kind of rehearsal for the heavenly paradise. And even if the memories are not so rosy, then ... But it could be? Theoretically ... Maybe just a little not wait? .. And once again torment and doubt. These are the meal we are experiencing. Here's a longing for freedom. But polygamy is not the only natural reason why we so cling to their freedom. Home is definitely not the only one. There's still friends, football, beer, work, blissfully doing nothing on weekends and even a whole bunch of nice and interesting things which have to some extent abandoned.

And the worst - your life you no longer belong. Noticed that single men are much less likely to give birth to his animals than single women? And not just because they are too lazy to feed them. Just having a dog or cat, you already can not completely control their lives. At some point you have to be considered not only with their wishes, but also to the needs of another creature. We are even currently not very much love to care for, to say nothing about the others? No, whatever you say, and freedom - a great value.
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