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A man of your dreams

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A man of your dreams

These tips may help you make a man out of form "common man" in a rare exotic species called " man of your dreams . " Of course, not all men are equally accommodating and receptive to female manipulation. As far as a man inspired, you can check out, having a simple test. Ask him to stand in front of you, pull your hands forward, close your eyes and relax. Tell him: "Imagine that in your right hand you're holding a very thick, heavy book, and to the left - you are bound lightweight balloons that and strive to soar skyward. Keep some time to instill it as fully as possible in describing the severity of books and light and weightless balls. If after a while with his right hand actually goes down slightly, as if under the weight of the book, and raise itself left behind balls - hence, it is fairly easy to inspire. Persuade him and make him anything you want, it will be easier. And what men are hopeless and absolutely nepoddavaemy metamorphosis?

1. Chauvinists. Men are brought up in the best traditions of Domostroi and, therefore, rest assured that the women they are not op. They are badly exposed and do not perceive the advice and requests from female lips. Sometimes they are willing to ignore any, even the most intelligent words just because they said the woman, and "all the women - fools."

2. The great debaters. This sort of people just did differ mulishness and passion for disputes. If you say "Brito", he will argue "Swifts". Such men can watch with delight to argue that black - it's actually white, and vice versa. They are - tough nut to crack. Processing of the easiest on the basis of the reverse, using them against their own weapons. For example, say: "Everyone knows that men can not bring a woman to orgasm in ten minutes, then relax and enjoy the way he would zealously argue your back.

3. Players are adventurers. This men's leadership warehouse. They are usually very charming, charismatic and professionally manipulated by other people, especially women. With these should be on the alert. But beat a born player doubly interesting!
4. "Senior officer". Particular difficulties may arise if you are dealing with a man who significantly older than you. He may ignore your request, tricks and attempts to rehabilitate only because he has "more experience, he's older, he knows better, and in general ...". A similar situation if he earns more than you or you're on his welfare. In this case, you too can feel his control, and unwillingness to dance to your tune. "

Such men are - not an easy prey for even the most experienced predator. But if you still want to try and happiness with these not easy targets, the following tips will prove very useful for you!

You - the trainer!

A man of your dreams - a successful entrepreneur. Is your boyfriend still only mid-level managers. Feel the difference? What can we do to make a difference had disappeared, and your beloved have found that social status, which would suit you both? The first principle! You can not dictate to her lover, in what area to pursue a career! If, for example, he was a banker or a sales representative, it is useless to suggest to him that his true calling - it's poetry / show business / politics. Every person feels at some of it all is easy, where his ability to manifest themselves most clearly. And therefore not turned into a dictator. Not impose its opinion. We will work with what we have. The most important thing is not your boyfriend who works as far as he is successful in its activities. Importantly, help it to become truly successful.

In the first place to learn more about his work: what company he works, what prospects await him and whatever he wanted to do? Take the genuine interest. If your young man spoke about his career with enthusiasm, your task is simple! Importantly, to inspire him to become his muse! Your faith in his powers and abilities will help him more quickly to storm the corporate ladder. Just do not overdo it! Otherwise, it decides that you are his pilish and eagerly hurry, they say, "Well, when you are there for certain things finally will achieve."

In that case, when your boyfriend mired in a boring, unloved, low-paid work, supported him in the quest to find a better place. True, this is always a percentage of risk. For example, if he's pretty good accountant, but dreams of becoming a writer of detective novels, a leap from one area to another can be a huge mistake. Allow him to such reckless behavior is only possible if you believe unconditionally in the brilliant literary talent of a beloved and very happy to be credited to them written stories. The most reasonable thing would advise him to change the place of work for something more creative, such as post kreatora at an advertising agency or a freelance journalist. This will ensure a stable income and at the same time give an opportunity to create, write and do interesting things you love.

If your man makes a career in commercial corporations, for example in the purchase and sale, the main thing - look into the company's policy. Inculcate in him the qualities that might be useful to him in the conduct of affairs: the correctness, flexibility, negotiation skills (so every time you discuss with your beloved are any controversial aspects of your relationship, be sure, he hones his oratorical skills). In order to develop these qualities in him you can use any methods and techniques described in the previous rules. Another subtle point - your role in its corporate image. It is important to properly assess the installation of his company and fit into it.

For example, if a firm where the work is your favorite, selling baby food, canned or baked goods, most likely their target audience - family people, and, hence, your boyfriend will be able to quickly fit into the conjuncture of the market, and if he will look married, calm man, whose main value in life - a family whose house and what is called "full cup". Try to be in the eyes of his colleagues, bosses and partners of such a companion, which perfectly fit the corporate image: a caring, modest, home.

And vice versa. If he trades in elite varieties of wines, cigars, or fishing gear, that is, production for bachelors, let him look like a bachelor, independent and free. Perhaps you this may seem offensive, but rest assured, for a sensitivity and understanding of your boyfriend, be sure to reward you later, when the rich. And in the meantime you can take pleasure in thinking of himself as his secret mistress. Admit it, this has its own charm. And such attitudes among other things - a great way to escape from routine.

Sometimes a woman has to sacrifice a lot for his career of her husband, but the end result ends justify the means. Hillary Clinton - a perfect example of that!
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