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A new approach to business

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A new approach to business

It is through the spiritual spheres come to understand that modern business is not consistent with the aims and objectives of man on earth. Therefore, the words spoken by a few thousand years ago: "It's easier vertical dish to go through eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven" - is still relevant. And as bybiznesmeny may try to pay off - by financing the construction of temples, helping children by donating money to different funds - the suffering and problems can not evade their side ... It turns out that for thousands of years and was not found a way to allow drag a camel through the eye of a needle?

It turns out that way. Look around. You know of cases where a business has helped man to become a kinder, healthier? Hardly. On the contrary, we see that the business makes a person ill, takes time, health, and often life ... You can not continue. Business activity - it is a huge part of life, and it should not evolve in a direction opposite to the vector evolution. That's about it says a new time, a new era. Looking through the deep spirituality in material activity opens new dimensions and great depth of business. Hitherto, no one put before the business of such problems. Thousands of years there is an organized activity, and always her main goal was to make a profit. And it just takes the arrows on the rails, leading to a dead end - because of the harmonious development of man can not be considered. A new approach to business requires a new outlook.

The connection of physical and spiritual

Of course, the person may be limited to understanding only the physical nature of life, not paying attention to the subtle, spiritual plane. But this approach limits the rights and resources available to him. People who have achieved the greatest results in life and have no serious problems, be sure to include the metaphysical laws of life. Previously they were only religious principles. Today metaphysical tools has grown considerably. I know business people of high rank, which include his life eastern philosophy, and Sufism, the latest theory of cosmic laws and thereby achieve high results. These include, for example, and Warren Buffett, the figure of the number one financial and currency markets, and everyone knows Bill Gates ...
Until a few centuries ago, Hippocrates, the wisest of the wise, expressed this thought: "Vrachfilosof God is like." That is a doctor who considers the human as anything more than a set of muscles, bones and nerves, is able to treat people like God. And indeed it is. More than once we have seen, when the famous physician, perceived by the person in its entirety, given its thin body, achieved much better results of treatment than with modern equipment doctors. The same applies to human activity! If we see a man and the world in all their extent, the effectiveness of each activity is increased by orders of magnitude! To paraphrase Hippocrates, I want to say: "Entrepreneur of the philosopher is like a God!" And then, adhering to this principle, we will reach a new level of understanding of entrepreneurship!

Once upon a world ruled by the prophets, then warriors, then the religious and ideological leaders. In XX century, came to the fore businessmen, that is "people business". In the last century who managed the financial flows, has the greatest influence on world events. People learned to do it, for science to achieve results, to achieve your goals most efficient way. And those who have successfully mastered the science of business, he also achieved the highest results. In science and in education there was an area which has sought to extend the laws of business on all aspects of life. The second half of XX century was a period of greatest prosperity in economics and management sciences. But by the end of the century's most advanced business people began to realize that the attempt to extend the scheme effectively achieve the goals for all human life is doomed to failure. Efficiency criterion can not be the sole and dominant. In life there are many important things that do not fit into the science of doing business!

More important is the ability to choose the right goal! Eastern wisdom says that a person who strives for the sole purpose may be to reach her, but did not get anything else! Much higher skill is the ability to feel the harmony of the world and see themselves in this harmony. You can come to wealth and success, but to lose happiness ... So the business began to enter psychology, philosophy ... With the growth of consciousness is growing spiritualization matter. And now the business began to enter the spiritual concept. Increasing influence on the world have spiritual people, often unknown to the general public. Financial magnates gradually lose power, which can not but cause them anxiety. And the current crisis - another confirmation of this.

What alarmed the financial monster for so long govern life on Earth? Where only do not seek causes of events, and the answer is simple and is in a different plane of thought - the crisis of the financial system caused by poverty on our planet the energy of love! Came a new era, with whom on earth there are new energy. Everything old is deprived of love, inhuman will gradually go out of our lives. New era, new era not only lead to the emergence of new conditions of life, but also offer a way out of this situation. But this path requires a person transition into a qualitatively new state. One has to realize for themselves and their relationship with the Earth from space, all manifestations of life and become a conscious creator of life. Depending on the level of awareness of the requirements of a new era, he can create not only their lives but the lives of many people and even the earth ... It is this philosophy, one realizes we are laying a new approach to business.
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