A new tale of Cinderella
Once there was a light on a beautiful but terribly unhappy girl, her name was, you guessed it, Cinderella. Her mother died long ago, and my father never found the time to communicate with her daughter, so she grieved for days about his ill-fated destiny. Her father remarried, and life Cinderella became quite intolerable: she had to work from dawn to dusk, wash and iron, sew and wash floors, cook and chop wood ... And no she said no thanks! Of course, she considered herself unjustly as the underdog, and resented his fate. When it is evening, arranged by the fireplace on a box with the ashes, she started to dream about how at one point, everything will change dramatically, all her troubles will end and justice will prevail.
And as you know, of course, the way it came out: With the Cross with her wand Cinderella got to the ball, danced a bit with the prince, charmed him, lost her crystal slipper, running away from her partner of twelve hours ... Then the Prince found her and married her. Here's a happy ending fairy tale. But what happened next, what happened to Cinderella at the Palace? Does it feel myself happy? Well, let's pofantaziruem! Thus, the new tale of Cinderella:
Wedding day. "My God, it really happened just to me, I am so happy with me favorite person! We will have wonderful children, we live in happiness and joy for many, many years, not knowing the needs and sorrows! What could be better than this? "- So thought Cinderella looking for her prince. It was a wonderful wedding dress and all the people around joyfully welcomed a beautiful couple, wishing the bride and groom happy. A night in the palace was given a grand ball, to which were invited all the inhabitants of the kingdom is absolutely, the people had eaten for a week and brought down all the dancing in heels. But talking about the wedding last the whole year!

Months after the wedding. "Most would come back to my favorite, I'm so bored of it! Luckily, today he went not to the farthest corner of the kingdom. Ah, these things, things ... Do they not get away! The only pity is that I can not help your loved one, my advice he did not need, and what I know about public affairs? But he loves me, and I love him, and we're happy. Thanks to my lucky star, my fate for such a present! I have my handsome prince, and more than anything to me in the world do not! "Cinderella whole day thinking about her husband, and these thoughts filled her with joy. She knew that she was amazingly lucky: she met a lover, and she no longer had to spend days scrubbing floors and iterate bean, and no one scolded her - on the contrary, to manifest around her the respect and honor. True, her young husband too often was not home, but he is a prince, he had serious business in the kingdom, Cinderella, and she knew it. But happiness - to love and be loved, right?
Year after the wedding. "What luck - being a mother, to know that your child all been waiting for his love of his great father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and even totally strangers! But the main thing - I love him ... All of my days and nights are now subject to this little creature, I think about him all the time, I was fine when he is snorting and peacefully in my arms. Even his cries do not irritate me. This is my son, my beloved child! She liked the whole world, she looked with hope to the future! The only thing that clouded her happiness - is the permanent departures Prince. But the son - this is exactly what every father dreams? Maybe a handsome prince can not resist the temptation and starts to come home more often? And then Cinderella and dream no more to be!
FIVE YEARS AFTER THE WEDDING. "Lord, again, after, again the ball ... Since then, the husband became king, I'm just doing what I smile and carry all sorts of nonsense about the weather. I never thought that being a queen so tiring, so unbearably boring! My least, I would ditch it all and moved aimlessly ... yes even in his house back. There, at least, had something to do, there was a lot of little animals, you can wander through the forest, take a break from this palace of luxury. Although, of course, well, that my children are not aware of the poverty in which I grew up ... Well, I do not know, but they do not see and the joys of life, they have solid lessons in etiquette and dancing. Boredom, ennui, boredom! "
NINE years after the wedding. "None of the kingdom of the world is not worth it for the sake of this fool's paradise, part with all that you really love me! If I could go back in time, I would never have gone to this ball ... however, not necessarily would have gone, still meeting with the prince - that is my miracle, my love! No, I would go, but would be careful with the shoe, not for anything would not have lost it again. Love and family life - two different things, I'm convinced of this. Why can not I be happy, because I have such a wonderful man, intelligent and beautiful, wonderful children, a great prosperous life! But I really had no joy. I have all this kingdom easily exchanged for a small house in the woods, and that has been around a lot of flowers and berries, and the morning birds were singing. And to no one never told me what I should do as I need to get dressed and comb your hair, what to talk with the guests and so on. I want to live in harmony with itself ... That is happiness, as I previously did not understand! "In the nine years of married life Cinderella completely disappointed in their beautiful fairy tale, she felt unhappy ...
Two variants of the denouement. The first - life, pessimistic and gloomy, which is why he does not like me. Is it that Cinderella, feel utterly miserable at first depressed and then tries to kill herself (her rescue, is pumped out, and everything is still). And of course all around Cinderella (including her husband, children and friends, maids of honor) puzzled shrug their shoulders and asking each other, what the queen is not enough for happiness? Indeed, she is everything! As you can see a complete misunderstanding occurs not only in lives but in fairy tales ... But the denouement is too simple, it is suitable for people willed and weak, unable to cope with their own bad mood and dark thoughts. But we know that Cinderella - a woman resistant, it is unlikely to give up so easily! No, the second interchange, optimistic, more in keeping with her character.
Thus, the second version of the interchange is as follows: Make sure that palace life was not for her, Cinderella planned a ruse. She persuades her maid and driver - and at night, collecting boxes and bags, taking with him sleeping children, he leaves out of the palace. Her husband, the king, she leaves a note along the following lines: "My children and you can always find, if you want. We will be glad to see you, because we have not seen you and I have a hundred years! "Cinderella went ... Well, of course, in his old house in the woods. Frankly, it was not very old, also Cinderella, all these ten years, remember him, and because house feast for the eyes. There's always lived in the servants, and so Cinderella sons greeted warmly and kindly, fed, warmed, was carried out in the room. And must say, the little prince, at first puzzled look around at the sides, very quickly adapt to new conditions for themselves. In the morning they discovered the forest, first heard the bird's trill, the servants showed them the beasts, looking for mushrooms, along with the boys ... Raised in the palace, the guys did not know what on earth there is beauty! They were happy, and Cinderella, looking at them, happy. She believed that to do the right thing to do.
The perfect ending of a fairy tale. I think this is worthy of Cinderella. But if you think that the outcome turned out impracticable, then you are wrong: by the way, if you wish and you could create your little miracle! Of course, if you do not prefer to moan and suffer, be shut up and worry about their uncomplicated lives. For my taste, the action is always better than passive waiting; Cinderella resolutely set to work and children taken away from the palace, thus violating the common life of his family life, vskolyhnuv whole palace aquarium. And the result was very good: her husband realized that without his wife and his sons life bleak and they were able to speak frankly and make an important decision.