A real man
Once dominant position of men in the family was unambiguous and was not challenged. Today Domostroy chauvinism and out of fashion. But if you still turned up here this "Old Believer", have not forgotten the words "Shut up, woman, that is, whether your love prospects? Of course, despite the wholesale distribution of emancipation in this world still has not translated this girl who dreams of a strong and wise man who would dominate the relationship. But if you're an independent woman, accustomed to rely only on yourself, your strength and your money if you can become the second half of the men who wants to rule the roast in the family? Actually, the word "chauvinist" is rather negative. And men who want to dominate, are different.
The first category - a wise and old-fashioned leader, a real man . They brought in the best traditions of patriarchy, been told that a woman should look after the weak field must be cared for and in any case do not force women to become strong. This is a very pleasant and gallant gentlemen. Behind them really makes you feel like a stone wall, and that's fine. Such an alliance could be very promising. You'll be able to be happy with this man, if you are not a radical feminist, and if you're willing to respectfully listen to the wise opinion of her, no doubt, a wise man. It is important to not be too capricious. But for some modesty and humility you surrounded by such attention and comfort that most Russian girls have only dreamed of.

The second category - the despots and tyrants. These men are really not too sure of themselves, and so pleased to be approved by young girls. Their power is more similar than on good governance, and the usual petty tyranny. So do not matter of reason. They are always around, full stop. Such an attitude, they tend to apply not only to women but to all people. True, in open confrontation, they come all the same only with his girlfriend, wife, bride. Because obviously want to choose a weaker opponent. If you encounter such a dinosaur, then, alas, is hardly your love has good prospects. They are very sad. Of course, unless you are masochist, adoring suppression and a variety of torments. If, despite everything, you want to be the bride of this tyrant, you should as soon as possible, consult a professional therapist, because to solve this problem yourself is very difficult.