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A true friend

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A true friend

My dear educators a new generation of magicians, start over, so that the child had many friends. Remember the words of Retta Buttler after the birth of their daughter Bonnie: "Money does not buy what I want for Bonnie. We must ensure it a place in decent society. " Yes, we live in a society. And just the ability to locate, preserve and strengthen the friendly relations will lead you to success. "Let it be said that female friendship does not happen." Let me agree with the author of words of this song and confirm that there have been female, and male friendship. No matter how beaten up the words of the song Pugacheva "Do not have a hundred rubles, a hundred friends, they in fact are the theme of any successful person.

Great manager Lee Iacocca says: "The basis of any business is people, product and profits. In the first place - the people. Until you do not have a good team, you will be able to do little with the other two aspects. Of course, I am not referring to those "friends" that appear along with the growth of your material well-being and just as quickly evaporate at the first sign of his fall. Fortunately, quite rare unfortunate cases like the one that happened to the heroine Christine Orbakajte in the movie "Scarecrow."

I mean, true friendship, talking about the like-minded friends with whom you literally breathe in rhythm with which you are spiritually comfortable. You have a similar outlook, motives and arguments, you understand each other perfectly. With these people you were fire, water and copper pipes. A true friend would not believe the gossip and intrigue meditate on you, first of all, he will trust you. Remember the words of the song: "But I do not believe what they say, all the kids compose about girls. I do not say anything in response, because in you I do not want to doubt. " Yes, this is great and, honestly, rare happiness.

Incidentally, a few years ago I heard a loud statement of a successful businessman that he is not communicating with 95% of their former classmates. They have, they say, no common topic of conversation. Honestly, I was in quiet shock, and just now before I realize the meaning of something truthful conclusions of my friend, businessman. They explained quite logically. Of course, when you're growing up spiritually, samosovershenstvuetes - many friends begin to move away from you. Even the wives and husbands it happens.

And how could it be otherwise! You've changed. Do you have new requirements, stereotypes, attitudes. Your old friends will be uncomfortable to talk to you. You will speak in different languages, you will have different levels of perception of the world. For example, your former friend will busily chatting about who made friends with someone, or divorced, would start scolding and blaming all the mortal sins of the current government representatives, and you have to be honest, would be a pity to spend this precious time. It's not narcissism, not selfishness and not "fan fingers." This elementary self-respect. But if that same person started with me talking about my favorite feng shui, about the world, the mysterious dragons and lizards, the laws of the universe, then I would very probably he would have apprehended, although with me it happens very rarely . So do not panic when friends go away, know how to let go of them easily. After all, a holy place had never empty, you must come to new people and you will appear again a true friend .

Friendship can not be imposed
Understand that friendship can only be purely voluntary. Never attempt to alter another, do not make it dance to your tune. Take it for what it is and take care of your friendship. Remember, a true friend you do not have to. When parting is not scandals: "And I thought you were forever centuries ... because I am to you so much to do." Let him without resentment. As practice shows, the world is a reflection of our inner beliefs. Single people, paradoxically, encountering the same lonely and unhappy people, or without realizing it, decorate his house with pictures of lonely girls, birches, symbols or objects.

If the little girl's father left the family for another woman, then became an adult, she begins to meet on its path of male Don Juan. In whatever direction it went, the universe sends her characters, reminiscent of her childhood. Through the characters Universe wants to convey to this woman that she must eliminate a grudge against his father to change his perception of men, to forgive his father and throw out the accumulated pain and despair. Signs of reflection, as a rule, help us to make friends with ourselves, to sort out their suppressed emotions.

If you are constantly surrounded by malevolent pessimists spewing swear words and always dissatisfied with something, then think, "Did you not yourself attracted them into your life? I'm not in vain in bold type the word "permanent". Because, no matter how we may be joyful optimists, we like it or not, on our way from time to time will be found mentally unbalanced tyrants and bullies. And it is quite normal. Calm and not panic. Indeed, thanks to them we learn patience and peace, compassion and understanding, love and mercy. Say, having before his eyes the example of some inveterate drunkard, many forever receive an aversion to alcohol.

Give people the relationships that you want to experience in relation to itself. Speak your friends compliments. Give people a smile - it was a smile on a gloomy day becomes brighter and the sky a rainbow wakes up. Zig Ziglar says: "No man in the world poorer than those who do not possess even a smile." And even the Bible says: "merry heart Yes perpetual feast." Bless all the people encountered in your way. Give your friends a good mood. I am firmly convinced that everyone, including you, quite naturally begins to feel better when communicating with a cheerful, optimistic personality. Is that right? Here's my advice.

When you care about asking his interlocutor, "How are you?" That usually hear in response? "But little by little ..." "Yes, like everyone else ..." or something else in the same far from the optimistic spirit. Therefore, from now on try to ask one another: "And tell me what's good?" - And you'll see that he frantically begins to look at myself, what a really good something happened to him. Do you understand? So people are giving a wonderful mood, even their duty issues. Good luck!

Try every day to do it, and your efforts will pay off handsomely, believe me. Be sure to advise your children to do so. Let your child feel even with all your favorite classmate Syroezhkina, more precisely, an imaginary Syroezhkina - electronics. And as soon as he enters this image, it will gain many new friends that the diva will be given: but where are they all were before? Were something they were not in his entourage. If suddenly my fervent appeals read a skeptic and said that without ulybochek, calf tenderness and compliments end up being friends, let me share psychological fairy tale a wise professor. First read this tale, I was struck by how thin it describes the importance of psychological communication.
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