A waking dream. How to wake up?
Living in a modern world, many people have no need to think about. Women, in general, prefer to feel and experience, men - to seek and achieve. Automatism makes life helps to be in the flow, only see that life goes on, and passes by ...
Older people often say the phrase: "life raced like a dream." But it happens every day! Why did not they wake up?
Perhaps Seneca also asked myself this question, his response in such a way of life: "Every day should be conducted as if it closes system, completes the number of days of our lives. " Then a pity to waste the precious time allotted to us, and waking sleep.
So the evening. Think about it.
Today, a little piece of life is lived. You were born in the morning, opened his eyes and met with themselves. Tonight you're done living today. Nice if you lived today? They got out of life? What's life got to you? Who today, you were needed? In the complex and the need for yourself? What were they thinking? Whether you are celebrating each day of your life as wonderful and joyous gift?
Or ...
Life just goes stupid, stupid as all. The man says to himself: I just spent the day aimlessly. Today I was dusheno dead. And all because I just today threw out day of life, struck out, died a day earlier, while walking, watching, talking, eating. And so tomorrow, I'm getting used to that all live so. I buy good sausages, and, without waking her chew. She once digested and leaves me and then I buy a new sausage, and for a while still physically living on. When the time comes, I am old and tell myself - I must ...
Only after the death of this man? A little earlier. He just no one said that he was dying every day. If not try to live each day ...
What should I do to really wake up?
Perhaps more to keep your soul at the ready every time out of the flow of time, included, to work. What am I doing now? I can get to? An hour went by my life, what I spend it? Drank beer? Ruffled over the phone? Watching TV? Generally I do not remember what he did? Maybe there are more important question - and now I am alive? Questions are more important than answers. As long as you ask - you wake up. Stop asking questions - may have already fallen asleep, spiritually dead.
Remember yourself how you lived this day, what did you do in this life, given the joy of at least one person, even to yourself? How will you live tomorrow?