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ABC of seduction for Two

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ABC of seduction for Two

Since ancient times, auditory experience, the rhythm and sounds played an unusually important role in matters of sex "is currently dancing as a form of leisure and entertainment also carries sexual strain, because the erogenous zones of the dancers act such stimuli as fast rhythmic work of muscles, the accelerated rhythm of blood , touch, and the mutual friction of bodies of dancers. For some people, we note the custom of solo dance, which is no less than the collective (doubles), raises the sexual tone of the singer.

It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of love, which are sung, spoken out loud or muffled whisper, or through his teeth in various romantic situations, when we first met, courtship, flirtation, the first intimate caresses and jokes at meetings and partings, in moments of increasing sexual arousal and possession loved one. In love the sound range are not only words but also a variety of sounds, sighs and groans of ecstasy or cries of pain that issued partners in a fit of passion.

In love, very often of great importance not spoken word, and the voice: its color, timbre, intonation.
In addition to the sounds and words painted sexy sound, you can enter in the "climate" of his love loved music. It may be jazz, the music of Liszt, Chopin, Mozart, Bach organ fugue, or even a popular love melody of the famous American kinomelodramy "Love Story". Everything depends on the musical tastes and preferences. When the selected music continuously creates the necessary background for a love of communication, it is gradually becoming a 'stitch of love, promising sensual pleasure and enjoyment.

Some may believe that many love accessories overly complicate joint sex life, but I can assure you: the richer and more varied palette of external stimuli that affect all the senses, the deeper and fuller will be tested by sensual pleasure. I gotta tell you about all the possibilities to decorate your love life, but the choice depends entirely on your desire.

Unfortunately, we have to state that the art of flirting is gradually dying. Flirt - a verbal duel in the game of love. Witty conversation about love captures the imagination, allowing to solve a particular allusion (often illusory), to draw certain conclusions, and emotional assessment. Flirt hones the ability to quickly navigate and quickly respond to any acute or hidden subtext about it. This art is occupied by a worthy place in the cultural traditions of many peoples. But today we increasingly forget about it, although our grandmothers did not get tired of repeating that evil word, flattering remark a man or a sudden whim - is a formidable and effective weapon in the hands of a stupid woman. Flirt intrigues, excites interest, alternately awakened and extinguishes hope. Hardly the reaction decreases as flirting looks for new compliments, increasing the pressure - and that's already in front of him open up new attractive perspectives. And most importantly - tirelessly to awaken his interest, showing all the facets of his eloquence and charm.

Demonstrating that the location, the displeasure during the flirting, you give the same effect on the sexual centers, such as rhythmic music and palpable affection. Any rhythmic stimulus excites and enhances sexual interest. The woman at the same time increases heart rate and blood circulation, her eyes begin to shine, lips become red and moist, pink skin, and the movements appear smooth and graceful beauty. It blooms in her eyes, pulling and enticing.

Does not always turns out as planned, but, flirting, a woman must show in a winning light of all his most feminine qualities, not forgetting, of course, pay tribute to the courage and talent partner. Flirting in this way can so infatuate partner or partner that they become helpless against the virus of self-confidence, when attention to his own person seems to be natural and logical. In general, courtship is losing its charm, tired and in this combination becomes annoying and act on the nerves of even the cloudless, sunny weather. This is a clear signal that begins the second phase of flirtation, when you need to express their displeasure.

And now you're cold, his voice slipping metallic ring, in the view there is rigor, close indifference - in short, you are fully immersed in their own business, a little bit in on itself and do not respond to any excessively loose and ambiguous allusions to who recently treated more than favorably. However, using similar tactics, it is inconceivable that a partner has lost all hope to return your love and location. I can only recall that it is desirable to observe a sense of proportion. Once ensnared "in disgrace" gentleman begins to suffer from mental anxiety, showing the increase of attentions, you instantly change the course of 180 degrees - and come again amazing, sunny days, the voice sounds undisguised admiration for the partner, and you continue to be gentle, friendly and as attentive to his person.

In this whirlwind of moods and concluded the secret logic of flirting.

The basis of immutable rules that guarantee the desired effect when flirting is a correct assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the partner. Change tactics courtship unacceptable cross all the things that you hinted at earlier, and also criticized the quality of that elicited before your genuine (in terms of partner's) delight. Rules of the game, called a flirt, does not provide for mutual cheating, but enthusiastic or negative attitude toward a very definite properties, character, habits and manners of human behavior in which you are interested. In the "Solar Age" of relationships you praise and strongly emphasizes its main advantages, as in "dull" - pull out into the light is not very significant, minor flaws that no more than a "sun spots". It is not excluded that the criticism will help get rid of these "little things".

Sometimes they say that now de he or she uttered these words, after which were forced to disperse, as the ships at sea. This is exactly the same words-stones which they throw in moments of anger and irritation to pobolnee annoy and destroy the imagination, created a positive image of a loved one. And then there irreparable, because they said did not bring back the confidence and partner in the future can not count. Word-stones destroy the serene feeling of love and break the strong ties that bind partners. So I want to stress once again that flirting - is a powerful sexual-emotional mechanism that supports the constancy of love. From the hilarious art of verbal fencing, the awakening of mutual interest, he gradually transformed, as the maturing of love, rules of the game, not allowing feelings to fade away.

Modern women, inspired by the opening up before them the prospects of equality in various sectors of economy, science and culture, fail to notice that, winning a men's one position after another, they nevertheless recklessly "throw out the fonts along with the water and the child." You can get a specialty, working scientists, engineers, or engage in public activities, but outside of the home and in love woman must be a woman if she wants to live a full life and avoid a complex and frustrating. The same, of course, you can repeat about men and their manhood. Love the house - the immutable values for both spouses, which, regardless of their lifestyle and character of work can not be a bargaining chip or some kind of compromise. No emancipation can not save a woman from the obligation to be a mother and have children, and men - from the need to take care of her during maternity. As long as there is family, no changes in this sphere of human relations is not expected.

Now it is difficult to believe, but our grandmothers still found time flirting was an integral part of art of love, had its own rules, laws, and the rich "literature", explaining how they should enjoy in a civilized society. Printed materials such as "Flirting in the company, there was not only verbal, but the gestural, and even sign flirt when certain gestures or signs (the color of writing paper glued upside down, left or right side of the envelope, a postage stamp, etc. etc.) meant the encrypted message, or the numerous hints of lovers. At the time of any given flower has expressed its own, a characteristic love symbolism. Then each woman entering the hard way winning the men could not expect to succeed without mastering the secrets of flirting.

The initial phase involves binding partner of admiration, his positive qualities and strengths. No man can resist when a woman seeks to elevate him on a pedestal. " As a result, she gets in his eyes as an observation and understanding of the people person.

The second phase - is the ability to make a man talk about themselves and about everything that he considers important in his psychological portrait. The information obtained is valuable for developing future conduct but also highlight the accents, to be brought to the attention, continuing to admire partner.

The third phase involves a demonstration of female weakness and insecurity in order to produce in the soul of partner empathy. Men are very sensitive to the descriptions of women's hardships, setbacks of life, to the desire to find a soul mate, which could pour aching, confidence, and both rely on a solid man's shoulder. Its certainly suggest, you guessed it, the very excited gentleman.

At first glance, these "secrets" seem very strange and ridiculous, but I nevertheless suggest that women try their effectiveness by making necessary amendments and modifying the light of today's reality. Having decided, you will be surprised that the reaction of men in the same, although we are separated from those times forever. It turns out that the old rules contain a lot of fun psychological truth.

Considering the role and importance of loving dialogue, we found, at last, our heroes on a bed of love, and here again the problem arises: what is in these moments to talk about? What themes can not affect? What words are appropriate in such situations? Can you discuss the "sores" of our daily lives? Unfortunately, we have developed a habit of turning insults and nerve stress, accumulated during the day, in a kind of dessert for the evening conversation, when we must share with her husband indignantly, for example, the actions of Mrs Kowalska, who "ran again to complain to the head, yeah yet plucked up nerve to tell Zosia, from a neighboring department that my new suit - a rag, which washed the floors five years ago ...". How can you resist the pleasure of lament, lying on the matrimonial bed, that his son brought back from the school of the two, that the gas stove in the kitchen is out of order, and will again spend money on repairs that the prices of clothing and footwear are growing excessively, and in the newspapers about it word that the little Irenki started to get wet shoes, etc., etc. After this grim, quite frankly, the overture, exhausted husband soul these lamentations, the couple try to forget about them in carnal pleasures and joys. In this case, "homemaker" for some reason did not occur to him that she had managed to slip out of their joy, charm and serenity of love. We seek to find understanding of our problems in a loved one, and this desire is justified, but do not do this either in bed or at the dinner table. Thumbsucker prepare a cocktail of sex, food and daily worries turns very dire consequences. Love daily feeds bunch of trouble at work and at home, usually can not withstand this test. Gradually nightly desire to give this bouquet beloved turns into the same addiction as alcohol as a medicine against unpleasant conversations and fatigue after a hard day's work. As a result of sex, like a bottle of an alcoholic, turns into a means of solace from all cares and worries. Thus, in the mind arises the associative relationship between these concerns and the sphere of intimate relationships, over time, an aversion to the ills of life inevitably projected on sexual relations between spouses. Sex life becomes "lean" bleak tone, losing the beauty and attractiveness (the men usually tend to blame women for it).

You should never either be drunk or have sex "with sorrow", because in fact, in both cases you are provided with subsequent depression, discomfort and frustration. Adverse effects did not take long: a well-established conditioned reflex, by failing and not only the hardships of life, but also sexual contacts, successfully washed out of the sexual life of spouses feeling the full emotional and physical satisfaction. In such a situation is often a desire to remove the tension that arises from the family hearth, not in opostylevshey marital bed, and somewhere on the side - in the arms of a mistress or a lover.

But in front of us, it appears, arises another problem. We already know what we can not talk in bed, but in the dark about what can and should speak in such moments with a partner. Of course, the intoxicating passion of love and longing, the reader will guess. I have absolutely nothing to add to this the right idea, but try to look at the pages of various newspapers and publications to find you the right words and expressions that reflect the juicy, bright-color and the depth and richness of overflowing emotions. This is a very thankless job, because we managed to mindlessly squandered, lost or even completely forgotten many words gems from the "love" store-native language.

Our vocabulary relating to sex, not much different from the monkeys (if they wanted more than a dozen words, we do not dial). Not accidentally Boy Zhelensky known connoisseur and gourmet, "the Polish language, warned:" If in a language no words for the sacrament of love from a spouse, a woman, you do not expect much ... "

That's why I encourage, not yet too late, that to protect our "love" vocabulary "Let us take heart and throw away the landfill absurdity in its hypocrisy Mask shamefaced silence, disguise psevdotselomudriya we wear, ostensibly guided by high moral interests of society "We will, finally, human beings!

Filling the vacuum of language, lovers who have just a little imagination, create your own, often not without literary grace, vocabulary, which they use "strictly confidential" and only for internal use. " Unfortunately, not all of us have well-developed imagination, and often the question arises: where is still possible to find the necessary "love" words and expressions? Look for them, the reader, in books, literary works! If you're not lucky with the modern authors, please refer to our rich literary heritage.

In the sphere of intimate relationships there are moments when words lose their power and to replace them come sighs, inarticulate, coming from the centuries of our primitive nature cries, shrieks and groans of the flesh satisfied. Do not be ashamed, and this form of love "conversation" partners. But here is a minute of voluptuousness expire, and it again comes into its own.

The centuries-old love culture of India gives tons of great importance lovers behavior after saturation of the senses, when their speech becomes a tool for rapprochement and building intimacy "in the" Kama Sutra ", for example, there is the following piece on this topic:

Peaceful passion rests quench thirst love ... But now, exhausted by sensual pleasure, she continues to build the temple of love, using a proven building material - subtle, penetrating into the soul, sensual voice ... If the silvery moonlight lovers caught on the upper terrace of houses at a time when her head was resting on his chest and his eyes were fixed dreamily into the starry sky, there is perhaps more interesting topic than the secrets and mysteries of the location of the heavenly bodies. Let him show them in turn: Polaris, Arundhati ", a crown of seven stars of Ursa Major is relevant here ... and dance" Gallis, and games interspersed with the singing of enlistment. Shall be sweet as her playful custom of the country of eternal summer to find on the ground all the that sumeesh see the disk of the moon tight and wet - from raging in the heart of passion - the eyes. What can more excite female soul than a story about love immediately broke out, he barely saw her, and the infinite sadness, not leaving him, when they had to stay apart. Conversations are - a wonderful finale of assignation. "

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