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About feelings word

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About feelings word

With men you can talk about the weather and growing problems of skunks in central Russia, about the origin of life on Earth and on contemporary fashion. With us you can talk about almost anything. And only one will remain closed for discussion. That feeling. As ours and yours. About the feelings we can not speak and do not like to listen to, so the feelings of a word . But for you it is one of the favorite topics. The conflict is obvious. And again there is no right or guilty. There are only misunderstandings. Why do we have such an attitude to this interesting problem? Why at such a simple question: "What do you feel now?" - We can only mumble something unintelligible? And with a holiday as soon as you starts a conversation that felt when they saw the little stray kitten in the rain, we start dusherazdirayusche yawn?

No, we are not terminated. We have a soul and nerves. But in all this music, we are very poorly parsed. Yes, for us is a challenge to determine what we feel. And an even bigger problem - somehow it all call words. We live by logic, not feelings, his head, not heart. Because we are so difficult to navigate the world of feelings and emotions. And that's why the question: "What do you feel now?" - Leads us into a state of stupor. Imagine that you were asked about the device internal combustion engine or the advantages of one type of beer over another. You will be able to move freely to keep the conversation on these topics? I doubt it.

Here we are lost when it comes to feelings and emotions. It is for us uncharted land, white spots on the map. We feel very insecure when the tread on this shaky trail. So, naturally, do not get any pleasure, talking about it. As a dog - feel, but nothing can not say. Because we can not precisely define what we feel. We can not really say that we are concerned, what we question, what hope the feel ... Even though all these feelings feel. And in some cases, feelings and emotions can be even stronger than in women. But look back to analyze ... br-rr. It's like a dark pool to jump. In this whirlpool, we immediately lose control of the situation. It is very difficult to control what any belmesa not think.
And as you know, the man just give something pokontrolirovat. We are without that as an infant without breast nipples. If you feel that we lose control, start to squeal and twist legs. And of course, a conversation in which control of the situation we are not, as someone else controls us blatantly, at least not happy. Because here. We want to always be the masters. But in a world of feelings we do not succeed. We do not know anything there. So try not to climb. To avoid the troublesome thoughts and others' control. This leads to several conclusions. And here's your business, listen to them or not.

First, we must understand that our gloomy "nothing" in response to the question: "What do you feel?" - A small lie. Feel, and how. Just can not even clearly define for themselves what exactly, we can not find the right words or do not want to look silly, muttering something unintelligible. Say "I do not know," we do not like (because we are the smartest), look silly - afraid (because we did the smartest). Much easier bryaknut: "Nothing." Strongly pushing for a man in this matter does not recommend it. Help to understand yourself, you can not, but the backlash - it is easy.

Secondly, all is not hopeless. Yes, we can not so quickly and correctly navigate the world of emotions as you. But a monkey can be taught to every uncomplicated tricks. It's all about patience and training. If you regularly subtly and delicately starts a conversation on this subject, a man sooner or later learn to talk about their feelings. Not so vivid and colorful as you are, of course, but enough so that you can understand, finally, he feels, for example, embracing you. As in any training, to achieve positive results can only caress.

Thirdly, after covering a man's own emotions and feelings about emotions and feelings that are causing you feelings about your emotions, do not require immediate response and instant reaction. Again, give him time to grasp them. It is possible that in this case, the time it would need even more. Another tricky moment - all of the above applies to almost all men. Even bigheads intellectuals who read in the original Schopenhauer and Kafka, intellectuals, compared with which Cicero - a deaf-mute vagrant, but Pushkin - a simple graphomaniac, and so even they can not normally talk about their feelings. All for the same reasons.

 That's me to make you especially do not flatter yourself. They also live in your head, like all mere mortals men. They are better express their thoughts, but feelings. They have in mind a lot of ready-made dies to the question: "What do you feel?" - Quickly overwhelm you lengthy quotations from the classics, harvesting their own inventions and other intellectual garbage. This verbal attack gives them time to understand yourself. Will it or not - is another question. Maybe. But chances are no more than an ordinary peasant. Such is the sad fact.
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