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About the inhabitants of the fourth dimension

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About the inhabitants of the fourth dimension

Impure can be compared with chess players, which calculates his moves for many centuries to come. A chess pieces from them - the whole state, nation and nationality. They unleash a war on the ground, face people foreheads while rubbing their hands with satisfaction. The more wars on Earth, the greater the envy, anger, hatred - the better life is impure. When people are angry, out of which leaves a huge mass of energy that builds up and causes a variety of natural disasters. That is the cause of many ills are the people themselves.

Head of evil civilization - the devil, who was previously one of the most powerful and bright angels of God and who was called Lucifer. But Lucifer did not want to love God, the will of God, and he wanted to become God. Lucifer supported the third part of the angels. During the battle in the sky, the devil and his angels were toppled from the sky. On the ground in the fourth dimension created the devil of devils, demons and other evil spirits. So there were the inhabitants of the fourth dimension.

The devil is huge, so parts of his body he scattered six people. Of the three I have these "pieces" have already pulled out. There are still three people. I know in whom all parts of the body are the devil - the case in time.

Incidentally, in real life, the devil is like a snake Gorynycha. Its length is about eighteen feet, of which nine meters of the tail, on both sides of the torso with three wings. Like the devil, and the rest know may be reduced in size or make the kind of person.

Devil I was repeatedly told: "You're a fool, a fool. Killing me, you're approaching the end of the Light. " To which I answered him that it is not from me, it depends. It depends on God, our Lord. And I'm just a speck in the case.

Incidentally, when I'm in the process of treating people pull out their "pieces" of the devil, he asked me not to read prayers, and draw a circle with a five-pointed star inside (five-and six-pointed star - the symbol of the devil).

Second in strength and significance was Lucifer - the spirit of the astral light. This dragon thirteen meters long, the edges of the body whose three wings, in addition, all along the trunk from top to another wing.
Asmodeus - Angel fighter. Looks like a huge snake, the edges of the trunk, too, with three wings. Length of this monster ten meters.

Beelzebub - Prince of darkness and demons. Looks like a giant lizard length of nine meters. On both sides of the torso with three wings.

Baal - Commander infernal legions.

Adrommeleh - Grand Chancellor of hell.

Evil is inherent in the hierarchy of civilization, we, the earthlings. Thus, the cabinet consists of a foul 21chlena. It includes 13drakonov, one snake, two lizard, the five demons.

Nectarios - the dragon of seven heads, the keeper of sacrificial bowl. Herself a bowl capacity of about 160litrov made of black granite. From it the devil drinks the blood of infants, which has tremendous energy force.

Bessarion - pyatigolovy dragon, keeper of the devil sword (sword length of about sixteen feet, the blade is made of titanium).

Samuel - three-headed dragon, a guardian devil's throne and a quiver of arrows devil. Sam throne made of gold.

Belial - a winged serpent, guardian of the crown, scepter and orb devil.

Itzik - a demon guardian of small print the devil, made of gold (stamped the devil is six-pointed star).

Yisrael - the demon, black angel of death, responsible for the development of new bacteria and diseases, supervised by Palestine and Israel.

Moloch - Raptor, onion keeper devil. Sam bow made from yew length about 12metrov. But the main purpose of Moloch was fomenting wars between people, many of which he excelled.

Placement of staff engaged in the unclean Elizazdra, wife of devil (she died 6aprelya 1996goda). As a result of its affairs are not spilled rivers and the sea of human blood.

I was familiar with two Satan (thirteenth and fourteenth). Satan - is the position for which appoints the devil. In their real-life Satan - the king of demons, which are subject to a semi and devils. Imagine the ugly four-meter height, all covered with hair, standing on the hoof, having four-meter tail on the head seven horns, like a wild deer, and the snout - like a wild boar. Weight about a ton.

Demons are divided into poludemonov and actually demons. Poludemon - being something remotely resembling a grasshopper, the growth of 2-2,8 meters, standing on the hoof. By the way, hoof poludemonov and demons - the most vulnerable spot. Small horns on his head, the edges of the body two wings, one of them aborted, and the second of about half a meter. Move poludemony as grasshoppers. Own demons, in turn, are subdivided into simple and demons know. We all have very powerful wings, with which they fly. Simple demons growth 4-4,8 meters. Princes, demons have increased from five to six meters. The barons of the demons are very high, increasing 6,2-7,8 meters. By the force of the demons are far superior demons.

Huge layer among the impure are demons, which are subdivided into simple demons, devils, demons, princes and barons. By their social position barons are higher than the princes. The barons, in turn, are subdivided into simple and pure barons. Just out of pure barons appoint Satan the devil. They have not decided to marry or to marry individuals who are below them in social status.

Simple demons have to grow to three meters, on the head - horns to thirty centimeters. Snout at them - like a wild boar. Possessed-princes are growing to 3m 40cm, simple barons - 3m 50cm, and the thoroughbred barons - from 3m to 4m 75cm. They have branched antlers like deer. The longer they live, the more they have horns. Do demons envy - the value of their horns. The more demons will ruin people, the longer they live. I have met demons age more than two thousand years in our calculation. Some of them told us that were present at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Thoroughbred demons-barons differ from other demons that have gray-blue blood. Horns unclean - this is their antenna, through which they receive different information. Tail length of devils and demons, consistent with their growth. At the tail end of a paintbrush. They have cloven hooves. If the size of the devils hooves such as goats, then the large size of the devils hooves can be compared with the hooves of an adult bull.

Semi - is intermediate between the devils and demons. They are like devils and demons, are covered with dense hair. Growth of the semi are up to two meters. Snout they have more than devils, and a bit stretched. Horns on his head to 20cm.

A large group of representatives of the impure - the devils. They come in two varieties. Some people - an increase of up to one meter, others - to 160cm. They live in caves, each with a separate family room. The devil is born, usually twins. Pregnancy of them lasts about 4.5 months. In each family an average of 10 12chertenyat.

Among the distinguished district devils devils. Each of the "head" in subordination 5 6stad devils, ie About three thousand. The group features a subordinate to 500chertey. On average, the devils live up to 300 years for their time-calculation.

In many fairy tales appear dwarfs. But they exist in reality. At the highest growth Dwarfs is one meter, but they are mostly the size of a large cat. Short-lived - in our time no more than seventy years.

His short-lived life of gnomes compensate for high fecundity. As a rule, are born at the same time six or seven dwarfs. They eat mostly on human blood.

Most of the dwarfs dwells in Western Europe, we are less frequent.
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