About their problems need to talk!
Indifference - is the greatest sin of man. When you do not care about him, and he is absolutely not interested in your problems, it's a dead end. You have two people who love each other, which is the second half for each. Those who understand your partner without words. But even when everything is clear - talk. By doing this you will save the relationship and love. When one spouse becomes indifferent to the interests of another, or he has no idea that excites a partner, a situation ripe for trouble: people close to face exclusion. The reasons that might get such a provision may be very different, but the result is achieved, usually the same: instead of dialogue, conversation, pleasurable for both interlocutors, it turns an unfortunate misunderstanding, causing inconvenience to both parties.

About their problems need to talk and there are different approaches to good conversation. One can cite as an example the so-called rule of strawberries. It reads like this: "I like to talk about worms, and my companion likes strawberries. Therefore, in order to interest him much, I will begin our discussion with the strawberries. " Such an approach is good for the organization of a private conversation, it allows interested interlocutor, to attract his attention. But such a model of relationships is not acceptable if you are going to communicate with his companion as an equal, if you need a transition to a friendly or a different, more intimate level.
After all, if you like talking about earthworms, the persistent talk of strawberries will be your source is not too pleasant emotions. Or at least, in order to keep the attention of the interlocutor and did not seem bored, you will need to demonstrate exceptional acting talent. Therefore much more attractive to the general conversation for you and your buddy theme. It is this form of organization allows the conversation to turn it into a conversation, companionship among people close to each other.
It is often said that the happy couple can not be secrets from each other. But still there are some things that you do not know the man better than ever. It turns out that the conventional wisdom, "the silence - the gold" in the relationship between a man and a woman is particularly relevant. Of two evils is always to choose the lesser, and instead of upsetting the spouse and to shatter your relationship, sometimes it's better just shut up. From the experience of women who have suffered due to the fact that they were unable to bite tongue, you can compile a list of topics that you should never say to a man.
1.Do not give out that some friends and employees of the opposite sex trying to flirt with you - this can give rise to unnecessary suspicion.
2.Ni under any circumstances, do not tell about his previous novels.
3.Ne disclose to him their secret thoughts.
Make the first step towards!
Go to meet difficult. After the conflict, both are guilty. But sometimes it's better to take the first step to show his wisdom and how you value your loved ones. Human feelings - is the hardest, deepest, most inexplicable of all that is in the world. They are the unknown world to man himself, but what about others? In order for the relationship between two people who are not spoiled, efforts should be made to both parties. And if something goes wrong, the reason must be sought not only in itself, although in itself too. Most often, conflicts arise, one way or another to blame for both.
Collisions lead to discord between spouses. But when the quarrel has been completed and both are sitting in different corners of the mind begins a painful job. Both begin to analyze and think: who is to blame in this situation? Get all the blame, or at least part of it for yourself is not easy to blame others and do not admit their mistakes - that's the position of steam, which they always follow, being in conflict with each other. But to admit to yourself that you behave properly, let alone admit it to others, even if it is close to people, it is very difficult. And if one spouse has decided to make this difficult step, it is entitled to expect from their second half of the reciprocal action.
To compromise is very difficult, especially when the former trust is violated, and to fundamentally change the situation, someone has to be solved and the first step towards reconciliation. Of course, everyone is afraid of being rejected and to start is always very difficult. But the main thing here is not to determine who is right and who is to blame, but to understand themselves and try to forgive others. You think that your spouse is wrong and change, respectively, must also he, but he feels the same way, but only in relation to you. How can overcome this vicious circle? Of course, that one of you will have to first go to some certain concessions. And do not expect that things will change one day, relationships are built over time, and that's give it time for you both.
In order to understand what concessions you're willing to go, you must first understand yourself. Lesson introspection - rather tediously. However, it helps put everything in its place, and in doing so, you can easily build relationships with each other. Knowing what prevents you from taking your husband for who he is, and stop its constant attempts to change his character and habits, you're in a different look on your spouse and your relationship. If you are weary of the constant conflicts that arise out of the blue, and your closest friend still you care about, then try to improve relations and bring back a lost what it once was, still is possible. But in order to achieve certain results, you have to thoroughly delve into yourself.