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Absurd myths relations

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Absurd myths relations

Psychologists and sociologists from the University of Michigan, studied 3,000 married couples on the principle of compatibility, based on the zodiac signs and birth dates. Results of the study surprised the researchers themselves: the astrological predictions are not fulfilled in 99% of cases. A third of the happy couples do not realize that "not appropriate" to each other for no one article! However, astrological predictions are not so harmless as they seem. Legkovnushaemy people may believe, for example, that in terms of astrology, the marriage was doomed. And zombiruet itself, creates a program that subconsciously will follow until the family unit and really did not fall apart ... So ridiculous myths about the beauty of relationships:

Women love only the rich

The myth that women like only the rich have come up with lazy weaklings. In fact, women do not like rich men, strong men, who were able to achieve something and continue to operate. Once the training in a conversation the two men flashed a phrase that is uniquely me pleased:

-A man without money - man slacker!
And she said she was completely serious tone. Everyone knows that women love money, but not everyone realizes that the wealth - not just an end in itself for women, but also one of the manifestations of primitive high-grade, and women do not love as much money as men, who were able to get them. After all, rich in primitive stage, as nizkorangovym, virtually impossible - take away all the higher. Women love not money itself, and the power of man, which made it like this: rich, robust, strong, confident and able to defend.

And if a man thinks that his love only for his money, then this man is really no more of that love. And I would advise him not to be too confident that a woman will not go away just because totally dependent on its finances. It is not. After all, it cost the same without you before. Nevertheless, women who certainly are attracted to successful men held, next to which is reliable and stable. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the full life of a man - the existence of health sufficient for sex and making money amounts.

From former prostitutes make good wives

This duck let prostitutes themselves, to their least someone in his wife took. Hooker at best, merely a nymphomaniac and a good, or at least a faithful wife could not be determined. Because the vast majority of woman becomes a prostitute is not accidental. This "profession" or choose from the love of easy money or just money. From which it can be concluded that in these women is very vague notions of decency and distorted interpretation of the basic alternative "what is good and what is bad." After a short time they take all the men just as the original object of their material well-being. As a result of simply no room for sweet delusion, without which, alas, marital happiness is impossible.

A man should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger

There was a time when the tribes of homo sapiens were worn in the Amazon jungle, hunted mammoths and master the power of women. But, thank God, everything is flowing and changing. Society is moving towards progress, in which less attention is paid to physical strength and more cultivated intellect.

Many women are generally discourages brutality. Ancient truth is true even today - women love with their ears, but because like those who are well hung language. Of course there are a number of physiological factors. And when a woman chooses a father for the future offspring, she consciously and subconsciously assesses the health of its potential partner. But the mountain of muscles - not major and do not necessarily factor in male attractiveness. But healthy teeth, heart and liver - it is really important!

Bright and screaming appearance, as well as defiance - a sign of sexuality

It's more of the signs of certain facilities and educational problems. The most sexy people in appearance, usually boring in bed. They believe that their appearance can replace physical activity that everyone should caress them non-stop, just because they are, and here they are. The true sexuality can be identified only by subtle nuances of behavior, it is not thrown directly into his eyes. Instead, it diffuses very attractive pheromones.

Good sex can keep a partner, even if it does not like all the rest

Maybe, but not as long as you'd like. One of my brilliant lover once said:

"I do not bestow flowers and gifts, because the flowers and gifts to bite every woman. And I'm good all by itself.

Said, and I was immediately thrown. A woman takes gifts - not as an extra stimulation for "ulamyvaniya, and as an expression of its exclusivity, being wanted, demand. When a man votes rubles for communicating with a woman, it shows its value in his life. And it's really important.

Andrew Kokov, poet and translator, and part-time close friend of mine once said to me:

-I noticed that the note expressed in gifts for women are not less important than good sex and compliments.

In every person's life sooner or later there comes a stage where the technique itself and sexual records go by the wayside, and the joy of the communication process begins to deliver a lot more fun than a technically trivial and time of copulation. And at this moment comes this deep feeling called love. After all, you need to love?

-UM, begets respect.

SOUL-generating friendship.

-BODY, generating desire.

If we love each other, then we are inseparable

Even very loving people sometimes get tired of each other and need for privacy. More harmonious, consistent and brighter than the person, the more it needs moments of solitude to rethink something and find new ways. Remember, as in the song Makarevich: "Let's pause on the way? But this desire to retreat from partners can occur in a completely uncoordinated phase. For example, my wife wants to party, and her husband - solitude. Then he starts to think that he had urgent work and is locked in an office. A foolish woman is offended, and rolls his tantrum. The next time my husband goes on a mission to still be alone with him.

When the woman you want privacy, it can leave the whole day in a beauty salon, go to my mother, to refer to menstrual discomfort and, lying in bed the whole day to read. This does not mean that everything is over, the feelings have cooled down, and love has passed, it just takes some time to get passed the emotional fatigue. Separation of the senses brings, it increases in our eyes the positive side lover and reduces negative. Wise partner himself feels such moments in advance and for a while trying not to fall once again on the eyes.

If my partner knows my weaknesses, then leave me

If both leave, then the best, low price of such a partner. If he truly appreciates you and loves you to help you overcome or at least mitigate difficulties. I really like a Latin saying which in translation reads: "Love me miserable, but good all fall in love." Ideal partners does not happen. The main thing to find yourself this, with the shortcomings of which we agree to tolerate.

Maybe tonight you'll be able to find or notice how all these strands are attached to your heart to others. Just for a moment BE in this room, so be fully aware of what is happening, and nothing more: just be. Give yourself to accept in its entirety is the existence of these sounds, your body, air and light around him, the air fills your lungs deliver oxygen and life to your entire body. Think about other people, those that surround you, to other beings, other individuals, of unusual people. As your eyes are disclosed for the perception of light fills the room, bring it being completely here.
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