According to the man before the first sex is worthless
So, he still took courage and approached. Blushing and embarrassed, said some witty and original phrase like: "Girl, we can meet you?" What to do with it next? Rather, what he is now waiting for? Go tell that man can build any plans for the distant future, only sleeping with a woman. Until that happened, all his thoughts and actions will be directed to perform this important task. He, of course, and then will be reluctant to speculate about the virtues of a long life together. Especially if you have not yet tired of his own darn socks, or they already have someone who does it. Still, these thoughts are theoretically possible. After. But before ...
I sometimes like a fairy tale. There, too, everything comes to an end when the hero has reached his goal. But at the end of patter pronounce that then he lived happily ever after, and drop the curtain. And man. He can take care of your month, but his head is only one thing - when did you finally agree to go to bed with him and how all this will pass. It is the goal. Subsequent relations of his little care. This is precisely the vague "and then lived happily ever after (maybe). At this stage we do not think about what kind of woman would have been a housewife, as it relates to children and if she could trust. We take about questions such as:
• Does it blow job?
• If you do, you bring a matter to an end?
• shackled to the bed or it will present a rodeo?
• Ask whether to use a condom?
• Which she had to touch his chest?
• When will it stop fooling around?
Vile? Well, I do not know. We like it. Because of this we are very much overlooked. Slepnev and glohnem. All of your great merits, we do not notice. And if you notice, we are not up to them. Moreover, even if a woman we do not really fit the character, or we suddenly after several minutes of conversation, we conclude that it is impassable or she is stupid with some quirks - the big role it does not play. If all indications are that it is possible in the near future to obtain sexual satisfaction, then we are ready to turn a blind eye to such shortcomings. We already know that the sex is likely to be the first and last, but behave as if we have this woman in front of all life. Well, if not life, that too few romantic encounters - exactly.
I will make a small digression. In fact, the words of men before the first sex are worth nothing . After - have different options here. Yes, and you should not blindly believe what we say. Men generally do not like to lie. And they do it only when forced them to do so. And most often you are forcing yourself. Among men, volunteer writers is not so much. Most prefer to simply remain silent. But if asked, we are shamelessly going to say what is in our interests. I repeat - pangs of conscience we have virtually no experience. We think that it is not very truthful answer to a tricky question - it's just following the rules of the game. Why are there! We do not think that blurt out: "Well, of course, love you, darling" - is a fraud. You ask - we know that you want to hear - and give the right answer. All honest!
The same applies to all sorts of promises. We know that most promises are lies. But I promise we will (if requested), so again as you want it, and we want you. All right. But still, we will shirk as long as possible. Why give another reason to blame? A woman for some reason very well remember everything they promised to a man. This way, we are very annoying. The impression is like in your head ledger.