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Acquaintance with a girl how to behave

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Acquaintance with a girl - how to behave?

Most productive state for dating - it's playfulness! Is this true? How do you imagine dating? Perhaps too seriously? You get out of a steep Mercedes, limo, or, as James Bond jumps from the helicopter and grab it. She is fascinated by, and you're a hero? No, it's not. It's fantastic, no more than. I've had people who came out of a limousine, but it is of little help in getting acquainted with beautiful girls. I had to change seats on the "nine". Often the guy thinks: "That'll buy a cool car, and all the girls would be my", etc. In fact, a wheelbarrow will solve nothing. And to begin with the girls needed right now! dating women - how to behave? begin playing!
Why playfulness is important? Playfulness is the state of lightness in a woman relaxes her brain from unnecessary dogma and belief. And she is ready to allow you a lot more playing with you than when she takes everything seriously. You're not familiar, you're playing with it. This is the most important belief! All GAME! But even knowing this, many people act so serious when talking with very beautiful girls, that it seems that they are already at the altar, where an oath of loyalty for life. While it is important to relax and enter into a state of playfulness, which promotes familiarity and seduction. Think of a situation where you are tense you sit and think what else to say girl.

Now I'll tell you how to relax. Order a few bucks to 100 girls, napeysya with friends and Kick some neighbor! I hope you're truncating it was a joke! In your head is usually spinning thoughts that prevent you relax. What do you usually think of when you communicate with a girl? About sex? Stop thinking about sex, animal, and see here. What a nasty question for having your head when dealing with women:

-Did I do right to please?

-What else to ask?

-When can I touch it?

-How to touch her?

-What can I say?

-How do I look?

-All I'm doing right to meet again?

The fact that these issues are blocking your brain. Of playfulness and relaxation no trace remains. You're overloaded with huge number of small parts and do not get any pleasure from the process of communicating with the girl. And suppose she does not want sex? Wants, but that she should see that you are relaxed. When a girl feels this, she herself relax. But if you're tense, she begins to think and see that you are not much involved in the conversation and think about something else.

 It seems that you are unnatural. She intuitively feel the falseness. Thus, it will be interesting to you. And it hurt you to get close to her and charm her. That's why you should think about getting pleasure from communicating and receiving pleasure from a girl from the well spent time, or abnormal situation, or from cool to joke that you can imagine. How to do it? What should be in your head instead of the nasty issues that all was well?

Replaces tedious questions of utility:

-What would do such a thing to enjoy?

"What's interesting happen?

-How to surprise her, what?

-She 's mine, it's interesting, she already knows about it?

-How will it entertain me?

-Let's see what she'll do?

"What's interesting, I see it?

-How to test it, that would do to check her reaction?

-I wonder how she would react if I do it ...

-How can she make me smile, entertain?

-What are the emotions I am now able to call her? Can I call the rage?

"What else can I make her feel?

Get pleasure from the process of communication

Remember, even if your goal - just one night with this girl - focusing only on this fact will reduce your effectiveness. You get stuck and not get the pleasure, on that counts. Therefore, the simplest solution - this is multithreading. Make fun, joke, catch a buzz, constantly pursuing the goal to put her. But even if this does not happen, you get pleasure from even the refusal. And your state will still work for you. You're not very upset, because you're playing with it, enjoy the process of communication. And even if it does not end with sex, you still famously entertaining, thought to himself.

The right question, which arises in the head, creating a state of playfulness. Think about how to pin, not as acquainted with the girl, and then your status will contribute to an acquaintance. What can you enjoy:

1.Ottogo that I gained experience in communicating with the girl.

Ask yourself: "What is more important to me: this girl is taken separately, the sex today and my level of communicating with women, my effectiveness as a whole?" The fact that most of us do not teach success and failure. Only important to develop the right attitude to failure. If you take it to heart, then no effect will be. The right attitude: "Yes. I refused. But I learned a lot. I refused because I was too small to function! The next time I'll be active. " Incorrect: "She refused because I do not like her." I can tell you from personal experience - everything is possible. The fact is that after sex like you regardless of what was to sex. How many times have women otbrykivalis from me and told me how much I do not like them, and after sex purred: "You're strong, what are you insistent man ..."

So, if suddenly seduce her failed, it means just what you would do otherwise. (Think about what we say: If you hold it in a frame - she'll give!) Be sure to analyze and enjoy this. Think about what other resources you could use to sleep with her? Massage, erotica, drinking, music, can, persistence, or conversely, calm? In what situation could you act differently next time? Each bummer - it's a great gift to you. Bummer teaches you a lot! The most important thing - to have confidence that you can fuck any. It is only necessary to find the key, and this is key to any woman. And that makes this science so interesting and exciting, especially in the practical application.

2.Ot situation that you are now recreated!

Situation itself, where you are, can you pleasure. You're friends on the street, and it's cool. You're sitting in a movie with a girl, relax and enjoy. Man gets something new just when dealing with a new woman. One friend, after several days spent in a continuous familiarity with the girls, said: "Feeling like after a month's vacation! As if I had raised himself to another reality! "

Now next time when you will come to the girl, instead of thinking what to say, how to behave, think: how to pin that all the insert? What would stir now? - Another useful question. And then, you'll see, everything will be quite different. Dating you will give pleasure, regardless of the outcome.

3.Ot of the process of communicating with the girl from the process of playing with it.

Most importantly, the need for the state and effectively to meet:

• makes you want to play! " When you're in a playful mood, you can relax, because you did not attach so much importance the question: lieth you or not? That is why women would feel with you easily and comfortably.

• Be a positive! play - is to be positive inside. This means that you can do for fun look that you get angry, terribly angry, play rage! But it amuses you - to scare people. And this anger played enough, but inside you positive. Person is frightened, but feels that it is all - the game. And no matter what you play, it will be interesting and comfortable with you. Because the matter with you people get different emotions.

• Take everything as a game, experiment! Look at each object of your lust as the next experiment, as in the regular way to have fun and experience. Even if it's the love of your life. Such an attitude would be far better in the field of seduction.
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