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Advances in child development

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Advances in child development

All parents are set to that child will thrive, in extreme cases, will not be too different, to lag behind their peers. Understand whether this is certainly helping the common sense and personal experience of growing up. However, sometimes it look the part and aid specialists. "Party" may be another family member with it is useful to discuss a particular situation, and experts - those who interact daily with the child, knows the laws and features of preschool age.

In general, evidence of an effective child development is not the number of verses learned, not the solution of integral equations, and the ability to operate successfully in a particular situation, that is competence. Competence is manifested individually depending on the degree of interest, aptitude, ability to one or another form of activity: one child is more successful in communicating, the other - in inventing and organizing ploys, the third - the study of ambient, etc. What are the achievements in the development rebenkanuzhno see and to evaluate?

• How confident a child feels in the changing situations - in dealing with familiar and unfamiliar people, a matter of routine and new work.

• How clearly he expresses his thoughts. Does not evaluate the pronunciation of sounds, and meaning and logic.

• Can it offer something, to plan their work, organize the work place and to bring our plans to fruition, included in the work of others and engage them in their actions.
• As for the shortage of information, looking for whether its sources, defines whether the questions.

• How it feels for the most part - boldly and cheerfully; depressed, relaxed, minor.

In order to understand the situation in the child's development, not necessarily subjected to psychological and pedagogical examination, you can start by observing and analyzing what he saw.

How to help others appreciate the achievements of your child

Happens, the kindergarten teacher obsessed with "the implementation of the educational program", look at the child only through the focus of its requirements - evaluate the achievement of a child from a position "corresponds to the - did not match." They do not notice or do not appreciate his personal unique features and manifestations. This is not just annoying. This hinders the development of the child and the formation of his self-esteem; acceptance of and respect him as a person.

It is important to understand that public preschool education is increasingly geared to work with the team, and your child - especially yours. Its advantages - your future. What can I do to avoid problems? In the early and preschool age (4-5 years) it is better to overestimate than underestimate, it is better to support than to miss the beginnings of abilities. Apart from bragging and talking about what you think distinguishes your baby. Make records and notes, collect and display samples of teachers, give specific examples of demonstrated ability. Ask teachers about how to manifest this characteristic in kindergarten. Offer their ideas and their support for the organization and developing work with your child.
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