Advantages and disadvantages of group interviews
If you need to see and appreciate the knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the interlocutors, so to speak, in a mass: this way too often yields rich results for you as for HP-manager and as any expert in the field of human resources planning and management. On the differences between group and individual interviews is known, I should say not enough. To better imagine the differences and to assess the advantages and disadvantages of group interviews , we will consider all these aspects separately.
The advantage of this method of conducting interviews, we can call the following:
1.You spends much less time than if you were talking with each of the applicants for the position separately. We have already mentioned the factor of complexity of the interview process: it takes an average of 1-1,5 hours or so. Here the cost of your working time is reduced and many times those people, the conversations that would take you, say, a work day, before narrow time frame of up to 2 hours on a single group.
2.Vozmozhnost compare the knowledge and behavior of candidates by watching the reaction of members you typed in the group. This facilitates follow-up for the interview to choose the most worthy candidates for the vacant post. By the same disadvantages of group interviews should include a few things. Here they are:
1. Reactions to the interview situation. Communication within the group can generate controversy or debate, not related to the stimulus situation. Unnecessary non-question you asked, the answers you do not need and will only be time consuming. You must re-direct attention to discussing the situation. Also plays a huge role the so-called "effect of a leader." This is a situation where the more talkative members of the group may take the role of "leader" in a group interview.
2.Gruppovaya discussion can sometimes be interrupted by someone from the group, which leads to an incomplete discussion of the topic.
3.Sderzhivayuschy effect of the group. May experience the impact of this effect in two ways:
Conditions of the problem
Another, what should we say - the conditions of the group interview. Several of them:
1.Razmer gruppy.Razmer group is determined by two considerations:
√ The group should not be so large as to be unmanageable and would prevent participation in the interview the majority of its members. A lot of people - a lot of opinions.
√ The group should not be so small to be unable to provide substantially more coverage than the interviews with one person. The optimal group size is about 10-12 people.
2.Composition group. Social and intellectual homogeneity ensures effective participation of all members of the group. Perhaps most important is the homogeneity on educational grounds.
3.Podgotovka mesta.Naibolee favorable for obtaining complete and spontaneous reporting is the model of the round table, where the interviewer is one of the members of the group. Should be avoided model "classroom" where the interviewer takes the place of the "teacher", and the respondents - the students. " One must also highlight some important points for you as an interviewer and chief coordinator of the interview process. These factors play a large role in the success of the enterprise. Try to adhere to these behaviors.
√ napryazhennosti.Po weakening as each member makes a personal message, is setting the standard free-group communication. Expressions of interest to your contribute to easing tensions.
√ Increased forgotten details. Communication in the group serves to restore the memory. If anyone would like to say something, but in discussing the issue had forgotten to do this, it is the nature of group interviews can contribute to what people will remember the forgotten idea and be able to voice it.
√ Use appropriate style yazyka.Intervyuer adapts his speech to the educational level and status of the interviewees and uses the momentum of their conversation. This quality, of course, is very valuable to people who are dealing with people. This helps the interviewee feel "at ease" even if there are a lot of people.
√ Your use of effective voprosov.Oni always direct attention to the stimulus (ie, specified by you) the situation and make the interviewees to identify aspects of the situation, which attracted the most attention and are encouraged to describe the reactions to these aspects of the situation. In group interviews, the interviewer seeks to ensure that the interviewees named all pripomnennye moments, before proceeding to the consideration of one of them.
√ A very important point - your control over the expression of chuvstv.Rol interviewer - a combination of equity and interest.
Final stage: the result
Finally, the interview is completed. The main part of your work done, there are only "counted on the fall of chickens," that is to take stock. At the end of the interview would be good to sit in silence for about an hour and sum up all what you have learned. If you have time, it is best to record the interview in full, while memories are still fresh. Here may enter a brief description of the person you interviewed. Use records to identify the things that you're still not sure. Check any of their hypotheses about the competencies needed to perform the work to check them out in subsequent interviews. The main result of the interview should be a decision for admission to the post or not the candidate. In the first analysis are all the inconsistencies, distortions of information.
Negative symptoms are also: an excessive self-confidence, or, conversely, lack of confidence, lack of interest in the issues, the desire to get a job in a short time, an overemphasis on money problems, a reluctance to get a little post to gradually move up the career ladder, lack of interest business firms, the lack of planning in approach to their own careers, the presence of bias, serious prejudice, the conviction of former employers and other features. Also, a comparison of objective information about a candidate, obtained by testing and automated "interviewer" (if used) with the information and impressions received by you during the procedure. This may be an additional material for reflection on the subject of credibility and veracity of the information provided.
The final and crucial stage of the analysis of compliance with the requirements of the profession and the corporate culture in general - is a relevant point of analysis to date. Corporate culture is formed in each company in a completely original version. There's also a chance that an adequate level of professional knowledge, skills, experience, psychological warehouse candidates, some essential features, would not allow him to blend in with the already-formed team goals, rules and settings. "Fit" the candidate of the corporate culture of your company? Post the results of the interview candidates in accordance with the ethics of interviewing requires the candidate to explain reasons for the rejection of his candidacy. It is also necessary to use data in the report, but not in a comparative perspective, but from the standpoint of lighting development prospects of the candidate. Such a soft presentation of results to candidates working on creating a positive company image and softens your refusal.