Affair with a male supervisor
Another common type of men - total controllers. Not tyrants, not despots, namely supervisors! They not only inhibit you, how many want to track your every breath. This type of people characterized by a figure similar to pears. Lise Bourbeau wrote that potential control is often excess weight in the waist and hips, and even the chest and abdomen wheel. They consider themselves to be very responsible, when in fact sometimes difficult to fulfill its obligations.
Controlling easily lie, manipulate and seduce. Their mood is changeable, they are often characterized by impatience and intolerance. Such people rarely trust others and often are skeptical in matters of love and fidelity. If you encounter such a man, know that he is likely to suffer from the trauma of betrayal. He is very sensitive about where some of his expectations are not met. Of course, all this does not make him unfit for a serious relationship. The main thing is the right approach!
1.Do not criticize and do not try to wean him from the desire to control. It is useless. On the contrary, try to take it for what it is. Yes, it can be one hundred and twenty times to call you from work to make sure that you have bought milk. Yes, it can sometimes take offense that you have done something differently, instead of listening to his wise opinion. But in general it is not so bad. But you can relax and trust the flow of life, because your other half will be able to control everything by herself.
2.Postaraysya talk to him about his childhood. Surely you will find that the character of your beloved formed as a result of the fact that his mother did not justify his expectations. When you establish a causal link in his behavior, you will be easier to establish contact with him.
In general, an affair with a male supervisor can be much more promising than an affair with a tyrant. However, do not interfere with wonder: for such men are attracted to the girls on purpose. Most likely you have the most also have a certain passion to control the world. You want to know in advance everything in advance. This is, firstly, it is impossible. And secondly, is harmful to the psyche. Try to let go of the reins and make the most trust in life. It necessarily lead you to something good and promising.
For some unknown reason to mankind from time immemorial women have attracted sufferers. Empathy and sympathy for the "humiliated and offended" often turns into love. But what prospects await you in dealing with the "eternal victim"?
In his books, a psychologist Lise Bourbeau called this type of people "addicted". They really like to expose themselves as victims. Their bodies are often not in tune.
Learn "dependent" is easy on the shoulders stooped and flabby body. These people are constantly in need of attention and support. Hate to go it alone. Always seek the advice of close friends, and does not necessarily follow it. After all, it is important not the council, and extended attention.
Oddly enough, but such an "eternal victim" often seek independence and may even argue that loves solitude. Although in reality these people are very afraid to stay alone.
Relationship with this man may be somewhat tedious and not easy. Sometimes it is too intrusive and prilipchiv. Clings to you too much and, as a young child, requires continuous attention. And yet, if the role of Momma in principle you prefer, you can get a serious and challenging novel. The main thing, stick to simple rules of communication.
1.Staraysya monitor its behavior. Such a man is very susceptible to various dependencies. In this respect he differs little from the category of "sissy". To ensure that it is not inclined to alcoholism, gambling or shopogolizmu, try to closely monitor his behavior. Especially in crisis situations. When appropriate, seek the help of a psychologist. Prevent disruption of a lot easier than eliminate its consequences.
2.Poprobuy take his psychological characteristics as a fact. Maybe sometimes you irritate his obsession. But his character, fears and traumas in fact the same simple features, like eye color, hair color or height. Our condemnation can not change a person. Love, patience and acceptance - of course!
3.Ponablyuday behind. What could you draw such a man? But is not it for you sort of mirror of your own fears, doubts and weaknesses? Perhaps you are actually much more similar to each other than it seems from the ...