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Affair with gossip and balabolom

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Affair with gossip and balabolom

Of course, the desire to chat and love to gossip is usually more characteristic of girls. Many of us over the years looking for a man with whom you can talk to. Sometimes men balabolov breed may seem to us just such kindred spirits, interesting people, fantastic storytellers. Say, gossip - a godsend for a spy. But we are not spies, we are women. What for us are the talkers: intolerable attack or a very promising gentlemen?

For example, my colleague, Anastasia, pretty sociable journalist, despite his accurate figure and pretty face, many months I could not find his man. The fact that an affair with a journalist to turn far more complicated than it may seem at first glance. Nastia was hateful "howcast" and could ask her cavalier to a hundred questions a day. "Why do men like oral sex more than usual?", "Why did promise to call a girl, if not actually going to meet her?", "How to seduce a guy, if you have small breasts?"

At first the guys amused her manner of speaking in the mode of the press conference, but over time its permanent cross-examination becomes annoying, and another suitor broke off the hook with the words: "Find yourself another guinea pig." Fortunately, the guinea pig was found. Artem was very funny and charming guy rattled everything in the world nonstop, like a magpie. He talked so much that Nastia did not even have time to insert their tricky questions. When she set the topic of conversation, as Artem began to expound all that he came into his head on the issue. Nastin knowledge enriches man's nature, and Artem finally found the perfect audience. affair with gossip and balabolom it quite enough, so they did not live bemoaned.
However, there are also far less inspiring examples. For example, I had a friend Tolia, terrible Whisperer. At first, this is what attracted me to him: it's so cool when you have an excellent, trusted source of information about all your friends. By Tolley many years I learned juicy details of the lives of our mutual friends, while receiving a pure female pleasure. What was my surprise when one day it became clear that Toll dissolve in my circles of gossip about my sexual orientation. After long and careful review it was found that the majority of stories were told them false. As it turns out, the gossips are mostly the same unreliable sources, such as the yellow press. So as boyfriends gossips absolutely hopeless.
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