Affectionate names
For lovers concoction affectionate name for the subject of sighs - is almost a prerequisite of their communications. In this they are very similar to young children: toddlers just learning to speak, too, love to experiment and come up with the most ridiculous words. Lovers of them not far behind - Kozyavochka, Buka, Pusya, Kutya etc. Watch for her lover. Is he often uses such affectionate nicknames?
If he is truly in love with you, then you should get the impression that he was just a little ordinary words to express their feelings. This is quite normal for people who adore each other. Coming up with new and new names for their elected representatives, they are trying to secede from the rest of the world and secure ownership of the elect. After all, their love is equivalent to the great discovery in science, invention changed the world. That is why it requires its own, unlike anything that title.
You can come up with a variety of endearing names . A friend of mine a couple in love, Masha and Ivan, called each other not otherwise Mashulka and Vanya, and even join these names of endearment appropriate in each situation the word. For example, Mashulka-Saucepan (Masha preparing dinner), Mashulka-smotryulka (Masha watching your favorite series), Vania-vorchuzhka (Vanya hungry), Vania-smorkushka (Vanya cold), etc. Of course, this is not a role model, everyone has his own way of addressing a loved one, it all depends on your imagination and of the conditional agreement with each other.

Do you believe that such treatment - is not necessarily an attribute of communication in love and that much more comfortable calling each other names just tender. Vanya and Masha - and aurally pleasant and not so sugary. But love, as a rule, insist on their own special language. For example, Mary before meeting with Vanya was a hundred percent sure that it is really just a cost without a "Musi-pusi" and will call her beloved only by name. Now, having met Vanya, she calls him Ivan only when parents or severely angry.
If you notice that your beloved is not much troubled, coming up to you original treatment, if he likes to call you just Masha, and not a kitten or tsypoy, do not put directly into question because of his feelings and not blame a unkind. It is possible that your man - it is a rare case of a man in love, which does not attach particular significance affectionate nicknames and it is much easier and more accustomed to simply call you by name.