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Affirmations or positive statements

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Affirmations or positive statements

Positive statements or affirmations - convincing statements with an emphasis on what the person wants to have (the ability, skills, qualities and relations). And they are built with support for the future. The basic affirmation is: "Every day, I feel in every way better and better." The author of this miracle, change lives for the better, Emile Coue - with his book you can look at our site.

Also we can mention such commonly voiced affirmations such as:

"Every day I am in luck, more and more.
"The flow of money in my life grows and grows."
"I am the best seller, and every day my ability to sell is getting better and better."
Thanks to the skilful work with the affirmations we are using the power of our intellect, prepare yourself for the fact that in the very near future we will occur (or occur), amazing changes.
Secrets and nuances of affirmations:

Any psychological flow has its pitfalls and hidden flows and our task is to provide a map for those who want to swim the river of positive thinking that our readers would be easier, faster and more efficiently could reach his intended target, so here we go:

1. Positive statements (affirmations) work much better if they say the morning (the mood for the day) and evening (tab on the subconscious mind), each affirmation three times.
* This is necessary because the pronunciation of the morning affirmations subconscious gives the charge on the day and evening spoke before bedtime helps night and used constructively)) because we know that the last thought some more time, even in his dreams continue to scroll us subconsciously.

2. Positive statements (affirmations) to develop any "effective" qualities of character or skills (confidence, effectiveness, decisiveness, ability to put their interests in the first place, activity, and similar), it is necessary for effect say standing before the mirror in business clothes looking themselves and the voice of a 10 - 15% louder than usual.

An example of this type of affirmation: "Every day I become easier to put their interests first, taking into account the interests of the people close to me."

* This is necessary because of use for such qualities as self-confidence and effectiveness in achieving its goals, resolve in defending their point of view, and similar, it is important to act in accordance with how people behave already possess these qualities and abilities. One of the skills of self-confident person is the ability to easily raise your voice while maintaining its speed (the diffident people often raise voice volume associated with an increased rate of speech and pitch of the voice). Another skill is the ability to "keep working form, and this will help us business clothes. Since the activity in our body responds sympathetic nervous system, the above steps exactly and activate it in one way or another.

It is important! If your family is not all ardent supporters of psychology by respecting their values and interests, you can verbalize your affirmations, such as the bathroom or kitchen, that would not distract the family.

3. Positive statements (affirmations) to develop any "spiritual" qualities of character or skills (self-love, the ability to put the interests of another in the first place, to listen to their desires and the like), it is necessary for effect to pronounce himself in the warmth and comfort with eyes closed. Unlike the previous example with the "active" sympathetic nervous system, for these qualities and skills more in keeping with the parasympathetic nervous system, with its active people relaxed and at peace.

4. An example of this type of affirmation: "Every day I become easier to say" no "to loved ones, while maintaining good relations with them."

5. Positive statements (affirmations) to develop skills such as finishing their business started, do something for a long time, and the like. It is important also that pronounce, and write more. Simply put, you take a pen and three times in the morning and three times in the evening write down your affirmations invented a special notebook, you can pronounce them in a whisper, loud, you can do it silently - as you prefer. 
Example affirmations of this type: With each passing day I become easier to finish things started me getting pleasure from it.

6. An important point: in the affirmation is always, after the text you desire, for example - "I am every day it gets easier and easier to communicate with strangers my people" after the decimal point should be what you are planning on this skill to get through, for example:

"I every day it gets easier and easier to communicate with strangers my people, and have successfully invited them into my business"
"I every day it gets easier and easier to communicate with unfamiliar people to me, and feel at this calmly and confidently"
"I every day it gets easier and easier to communicate with strangers my people, to achieve the objectives outlined above me"
If there is no text after the comma, we reserve our subconsciousness many options of interpretation of our wishes, the result can be a very kind, such as in the movie "Blinded by desire."

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