After a stormy night
It all happened. The woman passed the last bastion, and the man has achieved his goal. Now what? The main question - whether the extension? Here all is simple: the less there was a period of courtship, the less a man will think about the future together. This does not mean that it is generally denied. But now think of it as something does not occur. You were good, I was fine. What more? And then, just to answer a similar question a man can not. The head is usually savvy bad. As a rule, have to go through at least day before a man decides he wants to see you again or not. I'm not talking about love at first sight. This is an exceptional case and does not fall within the rules. Why day? Firstly, in the morning all the men thought about pressing issues:
• a meeting at work;
• general cleaning;
• divorce from his wife;
• birthday of a friend;
• Submit an annual report.
When can I think about the pretty girl that gave that night a few pleasant minutes? Then, after that ... Secondly, on the morning of a man is usually somewhat devastated. Both physically and psychologically. Need to get yourself a little distraction, to be alone, to restore Silenko. Even if everything was great - an unforgettable night and an amazing woman - still want to take time out before deciding what further. After all, it happens that from excess of emotion you forget that you even drop, but married. In short, squall wait for phone calls after a stormy night is not worth it.
And in general, if a man promises to call soon, it absolutely does not mean anything. We almost always promise. What people upset? If a couple of days call was not followed, we can safely burn a man in a passing fad. However, some, particularly patient or engaged, and can withstand three or four days before rack up your number. If he called the same day or sent flowers, this means:
• He is head over heels in love.
• He has a very long time there was a woman.
• Until you have him there were no women.
• He is not confident.
• It is still very much relies on oral sex.
What do you do with it, you have to decide. You fully control the situation.
But it happens so infrequently. Even if we had gone to his home, verescha delight, we will try to pull a bit from the second meeting. Because:
• want to show, "Who's the Boss";
• sometimes it is better to suffer for two days than a week to persuade;
• there is a lot more important things;
• there is no need to lose my head;
• finally, let a little pomuchaetsya;
• if she thinks that we have already agreed to marry.
And sometimes it just laziness. Well do not feel like, that's all. No particular reason. Still, all these pleasures for men are associated with specific troubles. In short, to make some conclusions in the morning is not worth it, even if it's morning began with a gentle kiss and a cup of coffee in bed. It absolutely does not mean anything. Better to wait with them for several days. During this time, a man subtle hint that he was going to do with you further. And going there anyway. He did it himself, without leading questions. You can not think of anything worse than a trick question in the morning. We immediately activated the protective mechanism. We are starting to lie shamelessly.
-You were okay with me? "- She asks.
-Well, - he muttered.
"You make a call?
"We'll meet again?
-See you later.
Is this really the man does not know. But the answers are almost always in the affirmative, not to chop the ends. Who knows what? Suddenly really want to call? We are very thrifty. On what grounds can determine that this night was the only one? There are many, but will give the most obvious. So, at heart, he decided not to meet with you if:
• hardly talks in the morning;
• dresses for 45 seconds, as if on command "lift";
• refuse a cup of coffee, citing the fact that he does not drink coffee and generally had a lot of cases;
• trying not to look at you;
• answers to questions in monosyllables;
• Do not kiss goodbye;
• says: "How else will call."
The surest sign - the last paragraph. We like certainty and order. And if you really are going to call (or, admit it), it can be more specific: "I'll call tomorrow - the day after ... the weekend ... early next week." If the sounds "as something" or "always phoned - ninety percent of the hundred that no meeting would not be.