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Against the facts do not trample

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Against the facts do not trample!

You can manipulate a man not only with the help of half-truths and poluotkrovennosti. As a manipulative weapon you can use the truth. Real words and actions of men can be used against him. One effective way of effects on men is the mention of direct evidence to prove your position. To use this method of manipulation, you must possess certain qualities: perseverance, self-righteousness and a little stubbornness. If you think you do not have these qualities, it does not mean that you can not experiment: try to move from a timid and obedient life partner in a confident and knows his own worth women. Your task - to prove his own innocence to use just one, but a very strong argument, based on real facts.

So unequivocal promise to be your mate to fulfill your request. If your desire is still not satisfied, feel free to use facts in their favor. For example, your darling has promised to reduce you to the theater, but still did not. In this case, your dialog may look as follows:

-My dear, you promised to go with me to the theater.

Yes, I remember, dear, but still very busy.

-It is not fair, because you promised.

"Of course, we go just a little bit later.

-So, your promise has become irrelevant?

"I do not renounce his words, but be patient.

-So you say I can not believe the future ...
And so on, until your man does not knock out power and will not agree to fulfill his promise immediately. Note that this dialogue is built according to the rules of manipulation. A man tries to refuse to comply with this promise, using different arguments: "I have no time," We went to another time, asked to have patience. Woman in all of its replicas refers only to a single argument - this was once promised, and this argument is much stronger than all the reasons given man. Against the facts do not trample!

Win the dispute, even having on hand a trump, it is possible only if your arguments are accompanied by confidence and conviction in their own right. You must be relentless, even if a man starts using kontrmanipulyatsiyu, for example, tries to make you feel pity. If you want to achieve this goal, be steadfast, and, like a stubborn child, the solid one and the same. Be very careful in choosing the strongest arguments for their own manipulative ploys. A strong argument to prove your position is not a word of any third party. As the main trump card, only use words that have been raised by your opponent - his promise to his oath.
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