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Aggression and shadow

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Aggression and shadow

In analytical psychology, notions of violence and aggression are closely linked with the concept of the shadow. But what is a shadow? Under the shade of analysts understand unconscious or repressed mental content, which does not meet the requirements of collective ideals and ego. Violence and aggression are things obviously (if neglected clinical experience) is not responsible conscious ideals and aspirations of individuals and groups. Aggressive wishes, as well as other unpleasant or immoral aspects of the self, we prefer to assume do not exist in us, or have no impact on our lives. Such a "shadow" side of our personality is difficult to draw into our lives.

In his youth, we have to decide what personal qualities we wish to preserve and develop in themselves and what best to hide away. And what happened? Tucked away just reminds about themselves, and we extract the rest of his life from his secluded places and try to discern. And if hidden close to the lock and key is lost? In the XIX century. This idea has found expression in the amazing stories. One night, writer Robert Stevenson was awakened by a strange dream and woke his wife to tell her his impressions. The wife begged her husband to write a dream in every detail, and the result came to light amazing psychological tale of duality, "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."

Her character - universally respected in the district doctor, who cares about the health and well being. Morally and ethically it is perfect. But the hidden contents of his soul is its intrinsic component, and it can not be ignored. According to the plot of the novel, "hidden" once there is "somewhere" in the city in the form of cruel Mr. Hyde. This aggressive, infernal hypostasis flawless Dr. Jekyll angry and behaves like a mad animal. Psychological meaning of this story is that when we suppress the aggression, as well as all that seems unacceptable to us, this aggression was regressed, ie, goes into hiding, but does not disappear.
Aggression and shadow in this case takes the primitive, barbaric forms dormant in the personality of the time. In addition, the regressive state of these qualities are able to address not only outside but also against its carrier, to become hostile to him. On this occasion, can cause a variety of examples, but ultimately we all get together on human morality, which says that one way or another, but one should not harm themselves or their neighbor, that people should treat each other with love and tolerance .

For this reason, says Jung, the shadow with all its qualities, often falls into the unconscious, or actively and relentlessly pushed to maintain the hypocritical decency of our illusion of perfection. Unconscious, however, does not deprive a shadow of its existence or power, just as ignoring our physical shadow does not interfere with her calmly go on anything that gets in its way. And of course, Jung saw this psychic shadow, being superseded or deny continued to work behind the scenes, causing all kinds of neurotic and obsessive behavior. Jung also noted that instead of repression or denial of the shadows (read: aggression), we also project the shadow of other people, attributing them to those horrible, doubtful and bad qualities that are so hard to deny themselves.

Dangerous than a shadow?

The projection of the shadow may thus develop into paranoia, suspicion and loss of intimacy - these defects can occur in individuals, groups and entire peoples. Spaced away from the resolution of a problem projection shadows only deepens the crisis of the dark side of our souls, injecting something like a poison, in interpersonal relationships through self-justification and a distorted perception. Jung considered it necessary for the psyche of recognition inside the shadows, because, despite the shocking or stressful recognition of their nefarious properties and their aggressive behavior, it leads eventually to reconciliation with his trouble and excitement, because eventually it becomes clear that the source of the commotion and problems - ourselves and nobody else.

His psychotherapeutic records show that the individuation process almost always begins with this disparaging shadow integration into a conscious feeling, and this is the first and most important task on the road to mental recovery. Casting shadows in the consciousness depotentsiiruet her as saying Jung, deprives it of its force, since the rise of consciousness takes all Hidden impulses and fantasies in the shadow area of moral choice, and often people close encounters with difficult ethical issues and burdensome self-discipline, which can sometimes be avoided by neurosis.

Jung considered and the shadow aspect of the collective unconscious, since every ego, including collective, casts a shadow in the proper mental framework. Although a close relationship with the shadow of the ego may facilitate its entry into the consciousness, the true knowledge of the shadows - a task that is never fully realizable. As an archetypal figure of a shadow - not so much a problem that needs to be resolved as an internal entity, requiring its study, comprehension and recognition of its part of our individual and collective mental life.

The main point of analytic psychotherapeutic process is the conclusion of aggression from the primitive state of self-destructive and incorporate it into a conscious relationship with the ego. The main component of aggression is often turned inward in the form of self-loathing or detached from the ego as the animus (anima) or shade. Besides aggression often involved in complex and where this complex somehow activates it whenever react (inappropriately). Every person is important to recognize how effective can be selfish selfish motives (effective in the sense of personal power). It is important in such cases to realize that the measure of responsibility that comes with the realization of the powerful beginning. The so-called egocentric behavior, manifested in the demands of others, is ineffective to the extent that it is not recognized by the individual.

One way or another, but we all know that people often cause harm to themselves and their neighbors by thoughtlessness or ignorance. However, much more individual tear conflicting, ambivalent feelings, veers between Thanatos and Eros. The man is unable to determine what he really wants. And here the positive outlook of the individual sometimes violently exaggerated his friends and family, and negative feelings are suppressed "for the sake of his own health and wellbeing." And the question in this case is not about belief or mild suggestion, but about the very real violence.

Thus, we conclude that the violence could stand in the service of Eros, or, more discreetly, to serve the individual and the human community. But at the same time, it is always destructive to the services began, violence, the archetypal shadow, domestic killers and suicide bombers, etc. This has its consequences. There are people who thinks Guggenbyul Craig, largely managed by Eros (life-affirming pathos), but there are also exposed to the influence of Thanatos, the archetypal shadow. Psychiatrists describe such people as psychopaths, in particular, they include and sexual maniac. The more destruction capable of carrying out such people, the better they feel. These people include Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Chikatilo.

The use of psychological or physical pressure, in private or public life instantly puts the person at the service of destructive beginning and therefore necessarily encompasses the risk that mania of destruction will prevail over the individual, even if it uses violence solely for humanitarian purposes. However, this risk does not relieve a person from his civil and moral duty, the need to exercise personal courage and strength to give their service life, goodness and prosperity.
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