Aggressive behavior
Interest in Freud's aggressive behavior was related to his research in the field of sexual desire. Freud identified "two different types of drives in effect: sexual desire, Eros, and the aggressive drive, the purpose of which - the destruction." In the attraction to the destruction of Freud sees the expression "the death drive (Todestrieb) ... As the two are intertwined in the life process, as the death drive is used for the purposes of Eros, particularly in its orientation to the outside world in the form of aggression - all these are problems for future research." In another paper "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" Freud, in describing the basic desire (love, Eros and death instinct, Thanatos), said that Eros creates love and Thanatos destroys it. Can be correlated with the shadow of Jung Freud's Thanatos, noting that there is consciousness or unconsciousness no role. For a conscious inner murderer and suicide is no less dangerous than the unconscious.
Thus, Freud's theory considers the aggressive behavior of a person as a destructive force that threatens civilization, and is suppressed by the superego. In the process, the inevitable suppression of aggression was turned toward his vehicle, self, and serves the individual in the form of the death instinct. In any case, Freud's nothing positive in the aggression does not see. Alfred Adler broke with Freud, mainly due to the dissimilarity of views on aggression. Adler believed that aggressive impulses, which he viewed as an attempt to overcome an innate sense of inferiority that are the dominant motive for human activity. In 1908. Adler suggested the existence of a primary aggressive instinct, which he later called "the will to power".

In 1960 a number of European analysts - Ferbern, Gantrip and in particular Melanie Klein - focus on the preoedipal stages in the psychological development of children. Klein finds a huge amount of anger experienced by children in infancy, especially if their needs are not met by understanding. It is especially necessary to mention the phenomenon of sibling rivalry. Year-old child may exhibit aggression toward his brother, newly born, and this aggression often takes the dangerous, violent forms, as the child expresses it with a naive immediacy. This violence can be explained by the fact that year-old child does not admit the thought that his mother is able to love two children at once.
His aggression was directed at his brother, not samotselna baby is not motivated by sadistic impulses and a desire to preserve a mother's love. In general, experiments and observations of the children are sufficiently projective character, - often teachers and researchers here and bring their own hostility and aggression. Here is just one example. In front of me to be a teacher of a school in St. Petersburg called "Youth is cruel ..." The author begins with the obvious, have become common place blame in the direction of television: a lot of programs with scenes of violence, horror, sex and murder. And he immediately concludes that as a result of "children become violent, vulgar, cynical, irritated, angry." The following is a rhetorical question: Who is to blame?
The answer is also there - blame the ruble (U.S.) "," filmmakers, as well as policies that do not accept the "law on the right of the child to protection from physical and mental violence." And what happened? The impression is that the teacher is difficult, on the one hand, agree that the child was originally kind, friendly, capable of compassion and cooperation, and on the other - even if the child appears existent angel declaring the absence of a child's immunity to violence, an active personal origin and independence in choosing their own behavioral style. I believe that the conclusion that increasing children's destructiveness and cruelty is highly questionable and look at the child as a potentially aggressive young one, which instill the concept of goodness can only films about breeding colors, strict discipline and exhortations, it would be naive oversimplification.
Defensive aggression
Apparently, the main criterion for determining the relation of aggression and peacefulness in the behavior of children is a safety criterion: if a child feels insecure if its security needs, love and recognition do not get satisfaction, then that child will behave aggressively and destructively. Aggressiveness in children in most cases is a protective, instrumental or reactive. Well-known philosopher and theorist postfreydizma Erich Fromm, speaking of the ambiguity and confusion in connection with the use of the word "aggression" in the literature, defines the term "benign aggression."
"Mechanism of defensive aggression, says Fromm," mounted "in the brains of humans and animals and is designed to protect their vital interests from the threat. If man's aggressiveness was on the same level as those of other mammals, human society would have been relatively peaceful. But it is not. The history of mankind gives a picture of incredible cruelty and destruction, which is obviously many times larger than the aggressiveness of his ancestors. It can be argued that, in contrast to most animal person - a real killer. " In this case, Fromm believes that "if denoted by the word" aggression "all" bad "actions, ie all actions that cause harm or lead to the destruction of a living or inanimate objects (plants, animals and humans), then, of course, the search for causes of lost its meaning, then the indifferent nature of the pulse, which occurred a harmful effect. " And, Fromm concludes, "should strictly distinguish between aggression biologically adaptive, facilitating the maintenance of life, benign from malignant aggression is not related to the preservation of life."
In contemporary analytical psychology and psychotherapy practice, there are at least two set of problems, where aggression is the central point. Firstly, in our society we have to deal with lack of or even complete absence of male initiation rituals (initiation), which leaves many men, in relative ignorance about his own aggression. This role in a modern society in Russia is largely assumes the prison system. Isolation of a man in jail or prison is built according to the type of ancient brutal initiation rites of initiation into obedient socium individual.
Secondly, there is a rapid change in cultural roles and images of the self in women, aimed at today is to become economically independent and able to self-sufficiency before marriage and the birth of children. This requires that the woman earlier integration of aggression than was typical for previous generations. At the same time a large number of men seeking a therapist today, lack the integration of large parts of their aggression. This is manifested in various symptoms: decrease in sexual potency, depression, anxiety, obsessive care in the work, etc. Often in their dreams appear menacing images of armed men with pistols or knives, or bandits in search of a dangerous adventure. This threatens the male image symbolizes the split-off aggression dreamer. Antagonistic relationship to the ego of such a figure reflects the dreamer's own attitude to its past aggression. Dreamer or afraid manifestations of their aggression, or now, this energy is experienced them as an internal threat to his ego because he was not able to integrate it in childhood.