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Alert Our eternal companion

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Alert - Our eternal companion

On the anxiety I would say a few words and turn to loneliness. Anxiety - our eternal companion . While we are alive - we are worried for herself and the comfort of his life. We get it together with the birth and say goodbye to her when we die. There is nothing new - we are all worried. At the body level alarm means shortness of breath. At the moment we do not have enough air, we start to worry. For example, if there was a kind of stressful situation, we can find themselves, to adopt such a position that does not breathe or stretch the muscles and hold your breath in surprise or fright. Therefore, the best way to cope with anxiety - is not to forget to breathe and do not try to become the calmest person on earth.

Anxiety - is what should be taken as part of life. If you avoid trouble - you will never come to a calm, because the anxiety never goes away. But if you acknowledge her entitlement to exist, you may feel that simply let the anxiety be a - a great way to see it at the time to do something else. But if you avoid trouble - you do not see anything except her. It's like as if you suddenly broke his leg. The main focus of your attention for long enough is the fact of turning point: "How did this happen? I now limited in scope and can not do that planned! "But after awhile, when the fracture has already been recognized, it becomes clear that this is the turning point, that from it can not escape. Broken leg no longer holds as much attention, and each of us can adapt some time to live in a cast. Inconvenient, unpleasant, but very possible to live.

If you can take so much to his dismay, you'll be faced with the fact that anxiety is even possible to live. For example, when I (and I am anxious people) going to fly on a mission to lead the group, I am very worried about the flight. I go on a plane and sit in his place and will give the alarm - I weep for all that can happen. After 10 minutes I have become more interested in: eat, read a book, think about the work ahead. Concerned difficult to live only a few cases:

-If we try to cram into the anxiety, to cope with it so that no one noticed;
-If we try to control what you can not control, such as aircraft flight;

And if we have the notion that anxiety should not be.

Therefore, in order to live peacefully, you must learn to:

1.Prozhivat their anxiety, for example, through tears.

2.Zaruchatsya the support of other people. If you are worried - take a loved one's hand. Ask you to hug or just to be with you.

3.Razlichat in life that really, you can control and what not, no matter what, and to accept it.
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