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All about Love Relationship & Passion

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Often thoughts of romance and passion seem to get lost over time. Couples might fail to recognize and appreciate the natural differences sandwiched between the sexes. Paying attention to romantic rituals can be a powerful technique for you to reawaken your romantic and passionate side.


Here are some excellent ideas of some special actions that don’t leave you with an empty wallet.


·        Log on to your lovers computer and change theme or screensaver to something like “YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE” in fancy letters and paired with a couple as a background.


·        Learn to say “I LOVE YOU” in many different languages.


·        Recreate the first date the two of you have ever had together.


·        Take walks together after dinner and use this time to reconnect to your partner.


·        Pick up a copy of their favorite magazine on your way home.


·        Give your darling a love list that includes the true reasons why you love them so deadly.


·        Place your love list or card in a elegant frame and put it on display so the two of you can see it frequently. Your couple photo can also be placed instead of this, it also do wonders in your relationships.


·        Clean your partner’s car for them and spray their favorite scent on the inside as an extra touch.


·        Sprinkle rose petals from the front door to the bathtub, have candles lit and play soft music in background.


Romance is that magical ingredient in love that keeps love strong and create a happy and passionate atmosphere. Whether you have been together for years or just started dating.


By combining the ingredients of Love, Romance and Passion you are creating a recipe for success while also keeping life together fascinating and keeps the spark alive.


Here are some guidelines to follow in order to spark–up and re–invent the Love, Romance and Passion in your relationship.


  • Handwritten letters: Mail cards to your partner with sticky notes in their journal saying “I LOVE YOU”,  “THINKING OF YOU” or “YOU ARE SPECIAL” even if you resides together or see each other on a regular basis.


  • Bringing back tradition: Women adore old fashion traditions like having her gentlemen open and close her car door, receiving flowers or ending the evening with slow dance. So indulge yourself in these activities and see the magic.


  • Date night: Have dinner, light the candles, open your most excellent bottle of wine and take pleasure in each others company. No children, acquaintances, relatives or neighbors.


  •  Showing affection: Human touch is very powerful and it makes our partner feel being loved. Shower your love with endless kisses, hugs, and genuine compliments unless you don’t feel comfortable.


  • Bring on the compliments: Appreciate your partner how much you love them and how incredibly proud of them you are. It can convey heartfelt feelings, which have a long lasting impression.


  • When words aren’t enough: Only words are not enough to make a long lasting impression on someone, make an effort by touching their arm gently to show your affection. Plan something different, unique, exciting and special as you possibly can.


Sometimes, Try a surprise, the curiosity factor can make it even extra exhilarating; it enlightens the experience of love, romance, and passion with your partner. Plan a distinctive surprise, which can perhaps make your honey fall in love with you all over again.


If you are busy even simple phone call, text message, quick email or short note can say more than you think. It says, you mean a lot to me and I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Make an effort and try it, plus see for yourself, you might be pleasantly taken aback and surprised at the response you receive.

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