All human beings are divided into good and bad
The value of people considered to be the same for self-defense, to protect people from themselves. Standing in a tennis match undo a rule that is replayed filing, and the game will be determined only by the subjective preferences and fantasies. With fists, the power of crowds consisting of fanatics and fans of fighting. Perhaps the force of arms. But the game in our understanding will be gone. Likewise, people are considered equal - this illusion was invented in order to protect themselves and potrebovlis Millennium to develop and make it suitable for use to make it part of our faith. While the illusion of equality - it is best that we have. People are conditional and illusory.
But it is unknown whether there is even a general attitude in which all people are objectively equal - they are not equal in intelligence, according to his abilities, by profession, qualification, strength, health, growth, arrogance and so on. I leave aside the gender inequality or nations - because this inequality is actually a fiction, bulges and inflated villains or fools. As someone said, proud of their nationality - the same thing to be proud that he was born on Saturday.
People are in a legal sense, according to their rights, but it's not their objective property, do not attribute them - after all, is coming to power by a dictator and establish their own tyranny, and they will no longer be equal, in addition, sometimes the legal equality - only Paper knight with a paper shield. The only equality that can be recognized - the equality of the potential: the potential value of every human person is equal to infinity. And in this respect are equal, but are not as two numbers, as well as two immeasurable infinity, the two absolute values, which may in all other respects do not resemble each other.
Subjective value of life is also very different: suicide, who cut their wrists from boredom, from what he was all tired and bored and a man clinging to the last effort for every second of life, after surviving a difficult and almost hopeless operations - unless they value life the same way? Alcoholic, slowly killing myself, slowly sinking into the river of time, having neither past nor future, and the creator, conscious of every moment as calls drop light and substitute this drop his hand - except for them, life is equally valuable? Workaholic who hates Mondays and happy only on Saturday evenings, when the week ends with hard labor - and a child who is happy in the morning - what the whole day ahead of the game, which vrednichaet night and did not want to go to sleep - what the day is over - how about this couples?
State legislate claiming equality, and by their own actions are denied equality. "The citizen is usually more valuable than a" foreign ". Anyone who undergoes its own repression, much less valuable than one who is subjected to repression stranger. Some country kills innocent people, urging them to military service, where they killed hundreds simply because of otsutststviya elementary safety regulations (for the same prchine killed and the civilian world) - and everything seems in order. But the same country begins to cackle in the whole world, if anywhere abroad attacked its embassy staff. Does this means equality? One senior government lady has decided to bestow the city to its arrival.
The city collected choir of children and began rehearsing a welcome concert. In the decisive day of children dressed in ceremonial costumes and brought to the place of performance. There they waited until the evening. A lady had changed its route, or the song she was tired, or something like that. How does the value of this lady and the value of an offended child? Another lady (or the same, it does not matter) was going to visit an orphanage. Institution is not able to finish building for many years, not enough money. But the arrival of money were found, and not just a children's home put in order, but also neatly paved all the roads on which it would pass. So what is the equality can there be?
The last case is typical and interesting special moral perversion, or a defect: all those people who are in a hurry eliminate the deficiencies, asphalt road, hang flags and welcoming banners, rehearse with the children poems - do it sincerely, from the soul, they assume that the useful and important case. In fact they tend not to children, not even for myself, but just for the sake of his superiors, which refers to children with offensive indifference, is doing everything to look good in the eyes of its own leadership. They do not even try for visitors to the ladies - a little if she saw these meetings? "- And certainly not for children, they are in last place, and some benefit for them is just an accidental consequence of all this turmoil. Likewise, could equip the poorhouse or a museum.
Moral qualities
All human beings are divided into good and bad. One man is better than another. Recognition of this fact implies two possibilities: the ability to make themselves better than others (the path of the creator) and the opportunity to consider themselves better than others (the way the destroyer). Equality is ideal for ciliates, because they can not force either the first path, nor the second. A small child sees the difference between a good idea as people first, he begins to see the distinction on grounds of "worse-better", that is, the most major difference: for him, one person is bad, but another good, and although opinion is purely subjective, it is ethical - valued moral qualities.
For example, Mary is bad, because I do not share candy, that is because greedy. But not because she is stupid, thick, and generally poor girl. Reply that could only spoiled child. If you ask a large group of adults, the majority of Hussein would be called bad, and Mother Teresa good. We always judge people and ascribe to each level of quality. One bad, the other - a good one. This difference is not intelligence, not on physical ability, wealth, social position or fame - it is purely a moral distinction. This is the most important difference between people - DIFFERENCE LEVEL moral health.
Any person who can think and moderately observant, gradually, with age, learns almost accurately determine at a glance what can be called a quality of man: this one is worse, but this is better. You can just walk down the street and look at people's faces - and see who they are and what they are good or bad, or you can even determine their approximate level of a ten-point scale. And even the person who is not capable of thought, might say: Peter better than Ivan and Vasily generally a good guy, and Jora best of them all, though, and drinks. That is, all people would be spread over some scale on the grounds of "bad-good." People "good" is a person morally healthy, and "bad" - mentally ill. True, there is no accurate tool to determine the quality of a person.
And while it does not, we can say only this: the quality of a person will depend on: a) the structure of its morality, and b) the level of his morality (morality is non-existent or too much - the person is bad, morale at an optimum level - a man is better). Therefore, a moral disease are underdeveloped morality (moral failure, moral primitivism) and the excessive development of morality (or its individual components)